Hot Women to Watch: Jo Klima. A soulful designer and artist.

{Hot Women to Watch is a monthly feature where I put the spotlight on one beautiful soul whose work I’m appreciating and cheering on because something tells me this is just the beginning} 


She’s been creating beautiful branding, blogs and websites for amazing women and their businesses for years, whether she’s actually doing the designing herself or she’s helping others craft their own with her design & style e-course Your Darling Blog.

But just recently, she launched a new creative project, something more personal called Maps to Herself, an artistic journey of the soul and spirit.   And THIS was the project that really catapulted her into my orbit.


Because it spoke directly to my soul.  And if it speaks directly to my soul, then I know it’s coming directly from hers.

So who is the creative genius behind this project?

Her name is Jo Klima, a fellow Aussie babe living on the Gold Coast, and something tells me she’s definitely one for you to watch.

Introducing the soulful and brilliant artist & designer, Jo Klima…


From breakdown to breakthrough, what was this moment for you?  The defining moment that changed e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.  

It came as a simple message in a conversation but took a little while to sink in: I am more than what I do for a living. I identified only with being a designer, placing all my time and energy into work and my business, and spending a lot of time on my own. I neglected other areas of my life and experiences that would allow me to uncover a more faceted identity and bring greater balance into my life. Now I don’t think of myself as just a designer, I’m an artist, writer, dreamer, yogi, runner, meditator, lover, traveler, listener and so much more.

What has been the most challenging thing to let go of so you could put yourself first (be it your health or your desires or your inner voice)?

The toughest thing for me was to release a habit of putting off doing the things I enjoyed for other things that I didn’t enjoy but I thought were more important. I was blocking myself from experiencing joy, fun and even love for a day that didn’t arrive. It’s a sad way to spend this precious time we have, believing you need to suffer now to be worthy of what you really want at some imaginary point in the future. It’s an important element of practising self-love, to give yourself what you need today and allowing yourself to receive it without feeling guilty or irresponsible.

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What is “maps to herself” all about and how was this project conceived?

Maps to Herself gently came into existence after a long period of feeling lost within myself and disconnected from others. I was inspired to begin meditation, yoga, journaling and painting which began opening up little doors and revealing other parts of myself and developing a more intuitive approach to my art and writing. I feel that sharing my own spiritual and artistic journey and allowing my creative spirit to express itself in a personal and beautiful space is the beginning of a visual adventure in uncovering my own truth. It is what my soul needs in this moment and I hope it inspires others to deepen their own connection to their creative spirit and express that in their own beautiful way.

For you, what’s the difference between spirit and soul?

Our soul is the essence of who we are. It’s our destiny and our desires. It determines where we travel in this life and who we travel with. When we align ourselves with our soul path, we are living with intention and purpose and can experience true peace and happiness. Our spirit is the way in which we approach life, it’s our actions and reactions to what occurs in each moment. If we choose to remain open and aware, our spirit will guide us in the right direction and inspire us to live each moment the way we are meant to.

What’s the best advice you’ve received when it comes to love?

Simply that we need to love ourselves before we can receive the love of others. Loving yourself means treating yourself the way you would want others to treat you, and by giving yourself what you need you are no longer looking for others to give it to you. This creates a balanced love between people free from expectation or dependency.

What books are you always telling people to read?

Adele mentioned this book previously and I have to mention it too as it’s an all time favourite of mine: Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. I have no idea where my copy is but I really hope someone is enjoying it right now. In fiction I love The Book Thief and The Fault in Our Stars. On the more spiritual side I recommend Spirit Junkie and The Four Agreements.

When do you most feel like a Goddess?

When I listen to my intuition. When I look after myself. When I am in nature. When music takes over my body. When I’ve spent time in the company of other amazing goddesses.

What is currently emerging for you in “this moment”?

The beautiful realisation that right now I am enjoying being a ‘beginner’ in so many different ways which lights me up more that I could have imagined. I’m in the early phases of learning to express myself through my personal artwork and writing, to connect with others in a completely different way than I have before, to use my hands to create things again, to move my body in a way that feels divine, and to see beauty in the little things. This wonder for life and dreaming big that comes naturally when we are young, I feel like as an adult I’m now tapping into seeing the world with a more open heart.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear: SACRED?

A deep knowing and ancient wisdom rooted within each of us that acts as a reminder of the oneness to which we belong. It’s the grounding of our souls and aligning with the true power of the universe and elements of life which create and sustain balance. If we embrace the sacred and allow it to cleanse, fertilize and nourish us, we can live together in harmony.


{Now for the Short and sweet…}

I’m interested in… learning to create a better life by tapping into my creativity and helping others do that same.

I believe… we should never stop learning.

In my experience… being an introvert doesn’t mean isolating yourself from the world to protect your energy, you just need to find the right balance.

2013 was… a year of small changes creating space for bigger changes in 2014.

 Connect with Jo more here

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2 Comments to “Hot Women to Watch: Jo Klima. A soulful designer and artist.”

  1. Having been friends with Jo – hi lovely! – for a few years now, I’ve been blown away by her ability to follow her energy and heed intuitive hits. You can feel the love and intention poured into every step of her journey, and Maps to Herself is no exception. Mind-glowingly beautiful. I’m in LOVE.

    Thank you for an awesome interview ladies! xo

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