Support and sisterhood: 2 things you need in 2015.

Feeling dirty and ashamed, and damaged she hid her story. Not knowing that the woman next to her also hid hers. And the next woman, and the next. Finally someone whispered the truth. And their eyes met, and their tears came, their heads nodded softly, and their arms reached out. Holding each other gently, telling their stories, the healing began. Terri St. Cloud, Her White Tree

A big theme I’m exploring this year is support and sisterhood.

After attending Gabby Bernstein’s event here in Brisbane the other night I felt truly blessed to be in a room full of amazing women who are also interested in this spiritual path.  At times we can feel like we are the only ones “breaking the norm” and doing things differently, but Wednesday night was proof that there are many many many souls in our very own backyard who are also doing things differently.

I also felt incredibly blessed to be surrounded by my soul sisters who I’ve come to know quite intimately over the past 3 years. When we first met (thanks to the internet!) there were no events in our hometown like this for women. We had to make our own. And that we did! From meditation nights, to social meetups to weekend retreats. It started small. And then one of our babes, Yvette Luciano, decided it was time to channel her skills and passions into what we all know here in Australia as Earth Events.

These days there are so many more opportunities for us modern mystics to come together in real life and support one another. We need each other. More than we realise. But we have to be willing to engage ourselves, to participate, to be seen and heard, to be vulnerable and honest. We can no longer stand on the sidelines, keeping everyone at a safe distance, while we suffer in our loneliness.

Great friendships take time to grow. But you have to show up to even give them a chance to grow.

If 2015 is feeling like a year of big growth and transformation (be it in life, love, sex or work) then getting clear on what kind of support you need and desire will be one of the most important things you do for yourself this year.

In this episode, I ask 3 questions that will help you start creating that support and sisterhood you need and desire.


Click play below (22mins)

If you are looking for some on on one support and guidance from me this year, be sure to check out my coaching packages for all the details (a few spots are available for February). Or check out below for some upcoming events & workshops – the perfect place to be supported and meet incredible women.

Big Love


Upcoming events


Jan 31, GOLD COAST – KINFOLK FESTIVAL (inc. Sunset Sacred Dance session)



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