Hot Recommendations

EROTIC BlueprintS™ w/ Jaiya

If you love The 5 Love Languages you’ll love The Erotic Blueprint Types™, a personal map of your arousal and how you achieve orgasmic states. 

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A boot camp in self-love and a deep exploration of female sexuality, this course is perfect for any woman who desires to live a life full of more sensual bliss. Based on the teachings of the ancient jade egg practice, the Jade Egg Academy is an online course and comprises of over 15 high-quality videos, plus audio downloads and worksheets. And best of all, it can be completed in the privacy of your own home and at a pace that suits you!


Money love w/ Lotus Kruse

Money Love is a 7 week program journeying to the very heart of your money story, your net-worth and your self-worth. It’s the BEST money program I’ve ever completed, and therefore, the only money program I’ll ever recommend.

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