deep. it’s the best way to a sweeter life.

Something crazy happens when you start digging deep.  life is never quite the same.  conversations that use to entertain you now seem shallow + superficial.  people that you use to love hanging out with seem to make you feel drained + tense.  and the things that use to excite you just don’t do it for you anymore.

digging deep can be really confronting + really confusing.  there will be days when you declare ‘enough is enough’ and ‘change is necessary’.  then there will be days when you want to run right back into the arms of the life you always knew + settle for the life you were somewhat “uncomfortably” comfortable in.

But in order to follow your hearts truest desires, you have to be prepared to let go.  It’s the only way to make space for something that is closer to the truth…which is always more beautiful.

So let go swiftly.  gently.  and with a whole lot of love.  And continue evoking the truth by digging deep.  Life is much sweeter here.

7 Comments to “deep. it’s the best way to a sweeter life.”

  1. I know exactly what you mean,, and as a younger woman I feel as though i was more enlightened to my true self then I am now,, after years of hardening from the pain of love and trust lost and dreams unrealised and the conditioning of what I should be interested in and single parent guilt I hardly recognise myself anymore,, and running into the familiar arms of what i know best is my constant struggle…

  2. you are not the only one. I have met people who feel ‘exactly’ the same way. There’s nothing like committing yourself to the inner journey + finding a practice to support you. And if it helps, I will be posting a collection of books that have deeply influenced the way I live, the way i work + the way I love…keep an eye out for it. xx

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