For those of you who are living on the edge of chaos or feeling stuck or totally clueless about your career, your business, your relationships, and your life here are 3 changes that will change E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. (And yes, these are the 3 changes that changed EVERYTHING for me!)
1. A change of pace.
We are masters at go-go-go. And some of us, are even masters at making others go-go-go. But the most significant change you could ever make is learning to stop + slow down. This is the stuff of mastery. A change of pace requires space. Space to breathe. Space to cultivate a quiet mind. Space to open our hearts. Space to reconnect with our bodies. Space to nourish our souls. Space to just be.
So clear your crazy busy schedules and make space to meditate, practice yoga, journal, rest in natures embrace, stare at the stars, lay on the earth, watch the clouds, or float in the ocean. These are the things that create the stillness + the silence necessary to reveal your deepest truth.
2. A change of purpose.
The change of pace will ignite the spirit of inquiry. Figuring out who you truly are + why you are here is all about asking yourself the right questions. If you feel like your job/career path is killing your soul, stifling your creativity, and causing you immense stress then now is the time to make some changes. Aligning your great work with your hearts truest desires is a dream come true for many people. To help you along the way, check out Danielle Laporte’s Spark Kit, in particular the True Strengths + the Metrics of Ease Chapter. It was my saving grace in helping me discover my genius and making it matter.
3. A change of perception.
Forget positive affirmations and rose coloured glasses. None of that matters if you do not FIRST acknowledge the absolute truth.
“Expressing the truth about who we are and what we really want is the key to peaceful and healthy living. Listening to ourselves and acknowledging what we feel allows us to change what is not working and to live in a more beautiful, meaningful and purposeful way. If we are not willing to listen to or see our truth, the question that we really need to ask is who is the lie for? ” Deborah King ~ The Truth Heals
Journaling is a great tool when it comes to truth telling. It’s an opportunity for you to release what you are truly feeling without the need to censor it. Start each entry with “Today I felt…” and let the words flow.
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