the fifth poetic reminder. observations are just the start, go deeper.

This poem is featured on the very last page of my favourite book, The Wisdom of the Enneagram.

I had to read this poem a few times before I really got it.  It wasn’t until I read it again a few months after Vipassana, that I r-e-a-l-l-y got it!  And not just on an intellectual level.  This is exactly what I had experienced at Vipassana.  Suddenly this deep knowing that I had accumulated through all the teachings + all the wisdom had dropped into my very Essence and merged with this deep feeling.

Yep…deep is definitely the best way to a sweeter life.

(And just note you can substitute the word ‘God’ with Source, Spirit, Divine…or whatever else you please!!)


The Stages of the Work

If we were to really observe ourselves,
we would become aware of our tensions and our habits.

If we were to become aware of our tensions and habits,
we would let go and relax.

If we were to let go and relax,
we would be aware of sensations.

If we were to be aware of sensations,
we would receive impressions.

If we were to receive impressions,
we would awaken to the moment.

If we were to awaken to the moment,
we would experience reality.

If we were to experience reality,
we would see that we are not our personality.

If we were to see that we are not our personality,
we would remember ourselves.

If we were to remember ourselves,
we would let go of our fear and attachments.

If we were to let go of our fear and attachments,
we would be touched by God.

If we were touched by God,
we would seek union with God.

If we were to seek union with God,
we would will what God wills.

If we were to will what God wills,
we would be transformed.

If we were transformed,
the world would be transformed.

If the world were transformed,
all would return to God.


Let me know what poems have had a profound impact on you, and if any of them have been pivotal in your journey.

Enjoy the weekend! xo

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