Calling EVERYONE who needs to take better care of themselves!!

Announcing my first online community event starting 27th September

What is being SELFISH all about?

Being SELFish is about pressing pause from our busy schedules to take better care of ourselves + return back to our centre.  It’s about giving ourselves permission to stop + breathe.  It’s about turning inward to reground ourselves so we can move forward with clairty + ease.  It’s about slowing down so we can reconnect with our true SELF + just be present.  It’s about putting our health + happiness first so we have more energy to give to the people we love.

How does it work?

For 27 days, we’re going to carve out 30 minutes of space every day for self care.  And for this event, we’re going to be practising Yoga as self care.  Here’s how:

1) Get on the mat + strike a pose.  At home or at a yoga class.
2) Lay in Savasana + soak up the stillness.
3) Sit + meditate.
4) Journal + reflect.

If you have no experience with yoga, you can definitely participate – we’re keeping it super simple!  For those of you who do have some experience, this is an opportunity for you to re-establish a daily routine + deepen your practice.

What do you get when you join?

1) A SELF CARE RESOURCE KIT filled with inspiration + hot links to websites, books + videos.

2) A BONUS WELLNESS WARRIOR KIT courtesy of Jess Ainscough The Wellness Warrior.

3) Three *BONUS* SELFish acts for those wanting a little more self care.

4) Interviews + guest posts with Jess AinscoughNicola ChathamAlexis NeelyAmber KrzysEvangeline Cachinero and many more talking about all things self care, creativity + community.

5) Daily inspirations + online support through a private facebook group.

6) Access to participants blogging about their experiences + sharing their stories…including me!!

7) And if you live near Coolum Beach, my yoga classes are for FREE during these 27 days.

Why do this? Because…

1. Practising yoga as self care helps us come back to our center + access our inner wisdom.  It is here we can find the energy + the enthusiasm we need to keep engaging fully in lives + be of service to the world.

2. Short term commitments are a great way of creating positive habits.  And with everyone making the same commitment, we can all hold each other accountable + provide support for each other.  That way, we won’t be so quick to put off our yoga practice for another day.

3. Community is powerful.  Doing anything with a group of people is always more fun + more motivating.

4. Self care is the missing foundation in most people’s lives, and yet it’s the most fundamental.  This is an opportunity for us to make self care a priority.  And by doing so, we’ll be helping two very special people to me who have been effected by cancer:

After experiencing first hand how financially crippling an illness can be on a family, Jessica Ainscough is making it her mission to help out in whichever way she can.  Together with her friend + fellow Wellness Warrior Lana Purcell, they are creating a charity website aimed at providing support to people who need help on their wellness journey.  To help my friends launch this incredible project off the ground, they will receive 10% of the funds from SELFISH FOR 27 DAYS.

Another 10% is going to 11yr old James Norquay.  He is my son’s good friend + is currently receiving chemo/radiation treatment + needing 100% care.  In March 2011 James was diagnosed with having a brain tumour which has damaged his pituitary gland + his right optical nerve.


Whilst being SELFISH FOR 27 DAYS I hope to inspire my own children + show them the power of self care, community + generosity!


So what are you waiting for?  Consider this the permission slip to stress less + take better care of yourself!



Register here to be notified when the next SELFish event starts.

4 Comments to “Calling EVERYONE who needs to take better care of themselves!!”

  1. SO funny, I was just talking about this with one of my teachers. It was such basic stuff, such as SLEEP, and making sure I use the “good” soap, and spend a lil time on self care. I am so excited for this challenge, thanks for sharing.

  2. Susana, what a fabulous idea!! And your B-School video is terrific too! I need more of this myself! Now I am especially attuned when someone says to me: “isn’t that selfish?” My response: definitely!! And proud of it! :) Sending love and light and lots of SELFishness your way for the next 27 days! Can’t wait to follow your blogging about it. ;) xoxo

    • Thanks Laurie! we had a heap of fun shooting that clip for you guys. Loving the beautiful SELFISH people too!! Are you going to be joining us?? xx

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