twenty-eleven: the year that everything came together (after the year that everything fell apart)

All my US friends + family are in Thanksgiving mode today.  And while there is no official celebration here in Australia, I’m dedicating this day to pressing pause to soak in all the gratitude for the year that has been.

While 2010 was the year everything fell apart, 2011 has been the year everything came together.

replenished my soul by slowing down + connecting with my body.  I rediscovered my self by digging deeper than I ever have before.  And I restored my energy by igniting my truth in motion.

I took big risks, asked for big favours and made bold decisions.

I cultivated an atmosphere of growth and became more open + more willing to constantly upgrade my operating system (my mindset).

I contributed to communities that resonated deep to my core + I created communities that were close to my heart.

I shared my sacred dreams to total strangers + made declarations to people I had never met.

I listened more. I applied more.  I set conscious intentions + made conscious choices.

When things got uncomfortable I held my seat and went along for the ride.  Fleeing from the pain, the rage and the anxiety were no longer an option.

I gave up on having it all figured out + instead embraced the art of not knowing.

I surrounded myself with yay sayers + those committed to making a difference.

I became a giving machine and gave away more money than I ever had before to causes + people I deeply supported.

2011 has been the year telling the truth became my superpower, loving kindness became my religion, being present became my magic potion, and my Power Posse became my secondary life force.

How has your 2011 been?  What are you grateful for?

7 Comments to “twenty-eleven: the year that everything came together (after the year that everything fell apart)”

  1. What a fantastic heart warming, from the soul blog post Susana. I can so relate and have started putting those changes in place for myself recently, but I think my big year for personal growth and awakenings will be 2012.

    I love how you have shared your year’s accomplishments here, how you have made the conscious changes and intentions and have followed through on them. You have really connected and contributed in such a powerful way from deep down within and you have come out having the most wonderful year of reflection and change.

    Thanks for sharing Susana… :-) One thing I have learnt (somewhat slowly) is getting rid of the nay sayers and surrounding myself with positive, happy people to achieve what I want in my life :-)

  2. This is a lovely post. So glad 2011 was a transformative year for you. I’ve also had the “when everything fell apart” year … this year wasn’t the “year it all came together” … but it was the year I got my bearings and started to move again. Cheers in advance to a powerful 2012 for both of us.

  3. I can definitely relate and thank you for sharing your story. 2010 “The Falling Apart”, for me began Fall 2009. Everything I thought was true (what I wanted, who I was, my body, the type of man I thought was the right fit, etc.) slowly crumbled and there was nothing I could do about it. Absolutely nothing. All I could do was watch from the sideline. The first year, 2009 – 2010, my health & body were first priority. I moved to a new position in my company think that will turn things around re: my career. Well, by May 2011, I realized I had to make a bold decision. I evolved so much since 2009 that I realized the type of people that were a part of my life were no longer healthy for me. Thus, I ended quite a few friendships, a dating relationships and sought out people that were like-minded.

    The “falling apart” ended in September 2011 when I accepted and embraced my true self. A new cycle began. I am looking forward to a 2012 full of power, love, and success.

  4. Susana, I love the title of this post and your heartfelt description of the massive changes in your life. I’m sure many of us can most certainly relate to this. We’ve al had a year where everything fell apart. If we havnt, then we will soon enough. The key is to work on it all coming back together and rising up stronger and wiser than ever before.
    Thanks for your amazing encouragment.
    Sue xxx

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