I’m loving: sacred lyrics + savvy book plans. stretchy lycra + sweet healing recipes


Florence + the Machine: Ceremonials.  When it comes to music I have many loves and Florence is one of them!  My girl crush with Florence kicked in the same time I fell in love with my girlfriend.   Every time I hear “You’ve got the Love” I’m teleported back to my living room two years ago where we were singing at the top of our lungs dancing half naked.  I was high on LOVE.  And I’m high on LOVE again – my girlfriend just scored two tickets to their Ceremonials Australian Tour in May!!


 I’m currently writing a book (or two) so when my mentor Danielle LaPorte launched her latest co-authored creation I was first in line.  Your Big Beautiful Book Plan has everything…and I mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G… you need to know about the book world.  If you have an inkling about writing a book or you are already a writer then you MUST get your hands on this mammoth digital program.  We’re talking 497 pages + a workbook + 8hrs of audios/interviews + book proposals from 20+ successful book deals.  You may never want to leave your house again!

Lululemon black yoga pants.  Word around town + the internet is that LuluLemon are famous for their yoga pants: once you try a pair on you will NEVER go back.  And it’s true.  I was gifted a pair last month + I don’t want to take them off.

My friend Evangeline is at it again working her creative genius!  Today, she announced the launch of her latest project: Send a Regional Artist to Sydney. Her artwork is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  Her promotional ideas are innovative!  Her drive to make stuff happen is inspiring!  And the possibility of her dying her hair blue…totally worth it!  Check out her latest video here + help make her dreams come true!

Healing Through the Holidays Recipe Ebook by Jessica Ainscough.  30 freaking delicious Starters, Salads, Mains + Sweets…all Gerson Approved…and I’m not even on Gerson Therapy.  Happy Healthy Holidays just got yummier!




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