day one of the 5 DAY TRUTH KICK

So here’s how it’s going to work.

Everyday I’m going to post one question.  You may answer each question every day or you may wait until the the end of the week when you have all the questions before diving in and answering them.  It really doesn’t matter.

What does matter, is HOW you answer these questions.

You see, seeking the truth means we need to not settle for the automatic answers that our personality and ego feeds us: this is our way of avoiding seeing more deeply what’s really going on.  We need to go deeper.   We need to go beyond the resistance…beyond the fearful reactions…beyond the stories we’ve been telling ourselves for way too long.

And in order to do this effectively, we simply need to be present…we need to be aware of our breath…we need to be aware of the sensations in our body…we need to cultivate a quiet mind so we can hear the whispers of our truth knocking on our hearts.

So while our automatic reactions may derail us from our deepest truth, we must first acknowledge their presence.  Only then will we move closer to our truth.

With that said, here are a few suggestions so you get the most of this 5 DAY TRUTH KICK.

1. Create a sacred space just for you.  This means turn off your TV, your music, your computer, your phone and anything else that could potentially distract you or disrupt you.  If need be light a candle, sit in your favourite chair, or venture out into nature.  Just make sure your sacred space = silence + solitude.

2. Settle into your space with a few moments of meditation.  Simply close your eyes + tune into your inner environment + observe your respiration for a few rounds.  Give yourself this opportunity to clean the mental slate.

3. Write each question on the top of a new page.  

4. Pause before you answer.  This part is crucial.  Before you get carried away with the mental chatter notice the subtle sensations arising in the body.  Maybe you’ll tense + tighten in certain areas of the body.  Maybe your breathing will shorten + speed up.  Maybe your heart rate will increase.  Maybe you’ll experience intense burning sensations in the belly or extremely cold fingers.  All these sensations are your body’s way of communicating with you how it ‘feels’.  Listen.  And include it with your answers.

5. Write your answers.  Getting them out of your head creates space for clarity.  It also gets you to see your answers through a different perspective.

6. Give the uncensored version.  Do not worry about grammar or punctuation.  Do not worry about making sense.  Do not filter your thoughts or your words or your emotions.  Just write and give the FULL SPECTRUM as it is in ‘this moment’.

7. Apply the questions to every area of your life.  


Question #1: Where are you not telling the truth about what you really want?





One Comment to “day one of the 5 DAY TRUTH KICK”

  1. Question #1: Where are you not telling the truth about what you really want?
    All over the place! Well, really, not ALL over, but more than I’d like to be. I think I’m still in the process of uncovering the truth of what I really want so I think that’s why it seems to be changing or developing still. I think one of my biggest lies to myself is the lie of “I can’t.” I find myself saying that, still, fairly often. Even about little things. I can’t, however, doesn’t feel true in my body anymore so I’m getting better at not letting it stick.

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