giveaway: Danielle LaPorte’s LAST Spark Kit worth $150.

Eighteen months ago, I did a digital program that changed the direction of my life and my career.  Back then it was called THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS.  Now it’s called THE SPARK KIT.

But as of earlier this week, the creator Danielle LaPorte, has retired THE SPARK KIT (which by the way, spread through the interwebs like wildfire and landed her a 6 figure publishing deal amongst many other incredible things).  You see, the hardcover version titled The Fire Starter SEssions: a soulful + practical guide to creating success on your terms is out in April this year and it was time to make some space.

But I am super excited to announce that I have one of the last copies of THE SPARK KIT to give away!!!

And just in case you have no idea what THE SPARK KIT is or why you would even want it below is a copy of the table of contents.  If you already know what THE SPARK KIT is and all you care about is entering the giveaway, then scroll straight to the bottom for all the details.


how THE SPARK KIT actually works…and the beauty of multimedia

The full e-book clocks in at over 200 pages, with 18 Sessions, 13 videos, and 22 Worksheets, and a whollotta smart love. In each module, there are a number of “Sessions” (chapters.) Most of the Sessions have accompanying Worksheets and a video. Every video has been transcribed into readable copy. Cool, eh? The Worksheets are inserted throughout the book in each Session, and you can also get them all in one file called, The Workbook O’ Fire. The entire program is brimming with links to resources, like books, articles, programs, even a “Sonic Fire” itunes playlist! It is EPIC.

the table of contents

module 1: strength + desire

SESSION 1: The Burning Questions
: the best + worst business advice I’ve ever received
: the 14 Q’s that I ask all of my 1-on-1 clients, from cash flow to a “stop doing list”
: creating your cocktail line as a sacred exercise
: WORKSHEET 1: The Burning Questions

SESSION 2: Rooting Into Your Present
: putting your past in it’s place and why the ego loves a good resume
: WORKSHEET 2: Past Purge
: WORKSHEET 3: Glory Boardin’

SESSION 3: Your True Strengths + The Metrics of Ease
: your intrinsic strengths vs. weaknesses
: the dangers of being “competent” and “well-rounded”
: the game-changing practice of getting better at what you’re best at
: passion as your growth point
: and enthusiasm as a state of higher consciousness
: a word on life purpose
: VIDEO: The Metrics of Ease
: VIDEO: The Merit of Self-Centered with Dyana Valentine
: WORKSHEET 4: Passion Play
: WORKSHEET 5: Very Strong Priorities

I quickly downloaded the first chapter and it’s blowing my mind. Amazing. This chapter alone is worth way more than $150.” – Tim Murphy
“This chapter is BEAUTY–such a kick start. Your words give me permission to be awesome.” – Sas Lockey

SESSION 4: The Strategy of Desire
: identifying and using core desired feelings as the basis of strategic planning
: VIDEO: Strategy of Desire
: WORKSHEET 6: Vocational Feelings
Note: This Session could change your life, if I do say so.

module 2: identity + branding: you are not a box of cereal

SESSION 5: Integrity branding
: the characteristics of Integrity Brands
: distinction keys for your services or products
: VIDEO: Bonding + Branding with Elizabeth Talerman, CEO of Nucleus Branding
: WORKSHEET 7: The All About You Interview
: WORKSHEET 8: Who’s Great? From Michael Bungay Stanier’s Do More Great Work
: WORKSHEET 9: The Ask A Friend Survey

SESSION 6: Looking Super Fine
: inspiration as a planning tool and the psychology of style
: WORKSHEET 10: Styling

module 3: content + services + promotion

SESSION 7: Making Stuff That Feels Good to Make
: your knowledge base the endless ways to stream it to the world – and make the coin
: WORKSHEET 11: Queens + Kings of Content
: WORKSHEET 12: Make Stuff Happen
Note: The Super Listorama of Content, Love + Cash is a 6 page run down of almost every imaginable form of content and information revenue stream that I could think up. Cha-ching.

SESSION 8: It’s All Self-Promotion, Baby
: why people hate self-promotion, and getting over it.
: co-opertition, low hanging fruit and the up-selling
: a meditation of self + product promotion
: 54 ideas to promote yourself to the max
: VIDEO: Community devotion with Chris Guillebeau
: WORKSHEET 13: The Shiniest 5

SESSION 9: Your Virtual Real Estate
This includes wisdom and how-to’s from A league web designers: Lauren Bacon of Raised Eyebrow; Paul Jarvis of twothirty; Sarah Bray of S. Joy Studios, and then some… with articles like: 3 keys to a site that sells; 5 things that make a site a disaster; 4 questions you need the answers to when you contact a web designer; 7 ways to be a nightmare web design client; 5 things you should have before you contact a web designer, and a feature from Mynde Mayfield called: The Best Technology Advice I Have To Give, and from Kate Caprari of Ads With, 10 Ways to Design a Successful Blog Ad:
: WORKSHEET 14: Design Intake

SESSION 10: Social Media + Driving Traffic
: this includes The Anthology of Practical, Far Out, and All ‘round Effective Traffic Tips from 26 of the World’s Most Popular Bloggers, compiled by Corbett Barr of with a bit of help from yours truly. Yep, it’s packed.
: VIDEO: Zip Zap on Social Media

SESSION 11: Money: More is More. Plenty is Enough.
: your purpose for money
: claiming your value
: the liberty of worst-case scenarios
: VIDEO: The Value of Value
: WORKSHEET 15: Money Talk

module 4: reverie + courage

SESSION 12: Fear + Other Tough Stuff
: the hero’s journey in business
: fear leadership + cultivating courage
: VIDEO: Loss + Stamina
: WORKSHEET 16: Deconstructing Fear
: WORKSHEET 17: Comfort Zoning

SESSION 13: Quittin’ Time
: the euphoria of admitting when it sucks
: VIDEO: Quittin’ Time

SESSION 14: Supporting Characters
: you deserve your tribe
: conscious partnerships
: expert help = quantum leaps
: VIDEO: Collaborative Paradigms
: WORKSHEET 18: Simpatico Inventory

SESSION 15: Free Time!
: my best-of time management takes
: WORKSHEET 19: The Perfect 12

SESSION 16: Visioneering
: dream fatigue
: the psychedelics of strategic planning
: where pragmatism + ambition meet
: VIDEO: Authentic Dreaming
: Worksheet 20: Vision Prompters
: Worksheet 21: Dream Analysis

SESSION 17: Be The Giver
: if you’re breathing, you have something to give

SESSION 18: Just Start. NOW. 
: starting at the top
: keeping it pointed to where you want it to go
: your best intentions
: how the spark kit was created
: VIDEO: The Send Off
: WORKSHEET 22: Future Gratitude

supporting materials

The Workbook O’ Fire: Type Enabled or printable in one-fell swoop.
Video Transcriptions 


So if you do not yet have your very own copy of THE SPARK KIT then now is your chance.

All you need to do is answer the question below then share this post on facebook + twitter.  The winner will be announced on Friday 20th January so be sure to check back then or if you haven’t already subscribe to my mailing list so you don’t miss out!

What needs sparking in your life and/or business?

(Remember to share this post on facebook and/or twitter and be sure to add @susanafrioni + @daniellelaporte to your tweets!!!)

All the best everyone!

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