i’m loving all things fresh, real + raw.

I’m kicking this week off with a list of things I’m currently loving.  It’s been a big summer + I’ve craving a whole lot of LOVE.  So here it is…

1. My new abode.  There is something so refreshing about moving into a new space.  In this case, part of the ‘freshness’ comes from undergoing a massive energetic cleanse.

2. My tears. The joy + the heartache of transitions.

3.  This video makes me want to grow my own food in a heartbeat!  It’s created by my friend Nicola Chatham.  She’s got many talents this girl…helping people grow their own food is just one of them.

4. Thanks to my friend Jess, I’ve become a juicing natzi.  But it is her latest ebook that has me making peace with my plate.  If you don’t have it, get it.  And while you’re at it, score $150+ bonuses (but only until tomorrow).

5. My daughters desire to make art.

6. My sons new interest in chess.

7. My cosmic guides: The AstroStyle Twins.  I had my very first personal astrology reading with Tali at the end of last year.  It was freaking brilliant.  Her guidance + insights have played a significant role in how twenty-twelve is unfolding for me.

8. Lana Del Rey: Born to Die.

9. This post on Liberating Forgiveness by the gorgeous Bee Bosnak from Beeyond Yoga.  And I love the quote at the end: “Forgiveness is actually a very selfish thing. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you condone the wrongs; forgiving someone means you are no longer willing to let pain from the past hold YOU down from living your dreams.”

10. I love Oprah + I love Tony Robbins.  Put them together + I’m in awe.  My favourite short recaps are this one + this one.

11.  The burning question series by Danielle Laporte.  She believes questions are doorways that lead to higher consciousness…and I couldn’t agree more.


What about you??  What are you loving this summer?


4 Comments to “i’m loving all things fresh, real + raw.”

  1. Hi gorgeous!!! Thanks so much for your lovely post and including my video :) You’re such a precious and wonderful support. Lots of love to you, honey!!!! And abundant veggies :) xxxx

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