i’m loving all things woman, little princess swaggers and kony 2012.

When you’re craving inspiration or want to amp up your appreciation, a love list is just the thing to do.


1.  I love women.  In more ways than one.  But I particularly love women entrepreneurs.  So when my friend + wellness guru Jessica Ainscough put together her ideal dinner party invite list, all in the name of International Women’s Day, I immediately RSVP’d with a big fat HELL YES!  To check out the incredible women who made the invite, all of whom I deeply admire (so much so that some of them are Feature Guests for Selfish launching in April!!), click here and remember the power of who you surround yourself with. 

2.  Sophia Grace + Rosie have done it again.  These little ladies (aged 8 + 6) have become a regular on the ellen show + have recently busted out their own song: Princess Swagger.  They remind me that anything is possible.

3. Every couple of days I get cozy with a peppermint tea + watch Oprah’s Life Classes.  It’s deep + refreshing + always has me feeling more whole.  I have bing-bing moments all the time.  Last night’s biggest bing-bing was: you don’t get to tell people how to love you.  But you do get to choose how to be in relatinoship with their lovin’.

4. Current song stuck on replay:  Stranger things have happened from THE FOO FIGHTERS latest album Echoes, Silence, Patience + Grace.

5. I’m currently delving into the deep teachings of Pema Chodron’s books: When things fall apart  + the wisdom of no escape.  Highly recommend, but only if you like it deep.

6. A declaration of deserving…just because you’re here.  A reminder for us all.

7. Yesterday the KONY 2012 clip went viral on my facebook wall.  If you haven’t seen it, stop everything you’re doing + check it out now.  This is a very powerful movement committed to making a very powerful change .   A movement that is embracing the power of technology, creativity + community.   A movement that reminds me never to underestimate the human spirit.  Plus, I am loving the initiative + involvement of our younger generation.  As a way of contributing to this very powerful cause, part of the funds of SELFISH FOR 27 DAYS (which is launching in April) will go towards KONY 2012.  


So what are you loving this week?

Susana xo

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