multi-tasking is not presence.

You’re on the phone talking to a friend or a client but you’re also busy checking your inbox.

You’re talking to your kid but your eyes stayed glued to the computer screen.

You send text messages while you drive.

You catch up with an old friend for coffee and your gaze constantly shifts to every new person walking through the entrance.

You go a networking event to hear a special guest speaker and your tweeting away your ah ha’s.

You go through the drive through, place your order + pay, all while chatting on the phone and barely acknowledge the person at the cashier.


We may be skilled multi-taskers, cramming as much as we can into every moment we have.  But while we’re busy getting as many things done at any one time, we’re missing out on the power of presence…especially when it comes to connecting with other people.

Remember, we’re are all craving to be heard.  We’re all craving to connect.  So do whatever you can to truly be with the people right in front you at any given time…it’s the easiest way to making a big difference.

Here are 3 easy ways to be with the one right in front of you:

1. Narrow your attention just on them.  If you are face to face, look them in the eye.

2. Be still and relaxed.  Your constant fidgeting + moving is a sign that you’re restless (and means you need to do more yoga).

3. Just listen…to them and their words NOT your mental chatter.





2 Comments to “multi-tasking is not presence.”

  1. Hi Susana, I just came across your website and am glad I did. I’m an extreme multi-tasker and can totally relate to this. I’m working on being more present so this helps a lot. Thanks!

  2. I am a recovering multi tasker, it’s a delusion to believe we can do it and function well! I also think super mums, a balanced lifestyle, and other such things are a load of waffle. #justsayin

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