Yoga makes you feel great in body, mind and soul. It is strengthening and it is opening; it is challenging and it is relaxing. It melts away the psychological and physical blocks that are holding you back and provides clarity to enhance your experience of life. It puts you in direct contact with your intuition, creativity and highest potential.
public classes – brisbane
Monday: 9:15am – 10:15am Vinyasa Yoga at Jack Jones in Albion.
Wednesday: 7pm – 8pm Vinyasa Yoga at Jack Jones in Albion.
need a yoga teacher for an event or a retreat?
Send your request to [email protected]
praise & compliments
“Susana is by far my favourite yoga teacher. Her classes are a beautiful combination of grounding, presence, strength and connection. Her instructions gently guide you into poses that are amazing for your body, while her poetic dialogue is amazing for your soul. She pushes you out of your comfort zone, while encouraging you to stay true to your unique limits. I especially love her constant reminders to keep breathing!”– JESS AINSCOUGH, THE WELLNESS WARRIOR |
“Susana creates a special place for personal growth and physical expansion…I have been attending these classes RELIGIOUSLY! She is a bright spark, a pleasure to spend time with and a yoga diva.”– KIMBERLEY NEWMAN-TYLER, LOMI LOMI MASSAGE TRAINER |
“I have just discovered the most AMAZING yoga teacher – I love your yoga classes and have achieved more in my yoga practice with you than I have in 10 years of yoga. You bring out the BEST in me!”– NATALIE MCIVOR, DIRECTOR OF ENLIGHTENED GODDESSES |
As we move, breathe, and experience ourselves, the yoga practice becomes a divine dance and ritual aligning not only our bodies, but our creative and intuitive natures. ~ Seane Corn.