intuition, choices, betrayal & grace with caroline myss + oprah winfrey

Every choice we make is going to enhance the spirit or drain the spirit.  There is no inbetween. ~ Caroline Myss

When I enrolled in my Yoga Teacher Training in September 2010 we were given a recommended reading list.  On it was a book called Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss.  This was the very first time I had ever heard of this book (and also of Caroline Myss).

However it would be another 18months before I delved into this book + many of her great teachings.

The delay?  This book had always been presented to me about ‘the chakra system’.  Something I wasn’t over enthused about learning more of.   But when I friend of mine raved about this medical intuitive she had recently seen I was intrigued to know more.  That’s when she told me about Caroline Myss + sent me a link to one of her talks.  From that moment on, Caroline has become one of my greatest teachers (and my view on the chakra system has been transformed!)

If you haven’t read her books I highly recommend them.  Any of them!

And while you are at it, I highly recommend you watch her recent interview with Oprah Winfrey here.

Here are some of my favourite takeaways:

  • Spirit is the part of you that is seeking meaning and purpose.  It’s the part of you that is drawn to hope.
  • People suffer when they pursue a life or chase a dream that doesn’t belong to them.
  • Every choice we make is going to enhance the spirit or drain the spirit.  There is no between.
  • Have no judgements, no expectations and give up the need to know what happens tomorrow.  Be fully present + appreciate all that is in your life right now.
  • Life will never be fair in the way we want it to be.
  • When your life path begins to harm you you have taken a detour.
  • When you feel like you are losing yourself, it means you are betraying yourself in some way.
  • A compromise is something you do willingly and out of love; you’ll never feel like you’ve betrayed yourself when you compromise.
  • There is nothing worse than betraying yourself.  Conscious betrayal is brutal.  When you do betray yourself you are saying to the Universe you are no different than the people who hurt you.
  • Your intuition is the voice you don’t want to hear that never turns off. 
  • God is law…mystical law…and the negotiating principle with God is prayer.
  • Grace is what transforms a moment to something better + takes us with it.
  • Always hold yourself accountable.


3 Comments to “intuition, choices, betrayal & grace with caroline myss + oprah winfrey”

  1. This is so beautiful and I love this message! I ordered this book as soon as I saw you were reading it (total book worm!) Just about to watch the interview. Hope you’ve had a beautiful weekend xxx

  2. Wow, this sounds amazing. Will have to add it to my ever-growing bedside pile!
    I am currently in the middle of a book called ‘Energy Medicine for Women’ by Donna Eden, and it has introduced me to the chakra system (and all the other energy systems of the body) in a new and eye-opening way. I highly recommend it.
    Also, this: Every choice we make is going to enhance the spirit or drain the spirit. There is no inbetween.
    Just this!!

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