learn to grow your own organic food with Nicola Chatham

If you don’t already have your own veggie patch out the back full of thriving organic food then it’s time you check out my very good friend, Nicola Chatham’s Abundant Veggie Patch System!

What is the Abundant Veggie Patch System?

The Abundant Veggie Patch System is an online organic gar­den­ing course packed with prac­ti­cal videos, audios, check­lists and resources that will help you design, cre­ate and upkeep your own veg­gie patch so you can enjoy an abun­dance of fresh, organic food right out­side your back-door.

This online course is broken down into the following five modules all packed with goodness:

Mod­ule 1: Design­ing Your Gar­den for Abundance

  • Why Design is the most impor­tant fac­tor in cre­at­ing an abun­dant veg­gie patch you actu­ally USE.
  • How to save time, effort and energy in your garden.
  • How to make it so easy to choose healthy food and herbal teas you won’t be able to stop your­self from mak­ing healthy & deli­cious choices.
  • The first step in find­ing out WHERE to put your veg­gie patch.
  • What all the fuss is about veg­gies need­ing sunshine.
  • How some basic geog­ra­phy and ori­en­teer­ing will help you cre­ate an abun­dant veg­gie patch.
  • Two sim­ple solu­tions you may never have con­sid­ered if you don’t have much sun. These are places that are star­ing you right in the face, and could be the answer to cre­at­ing your own abun­dant garden.
  • The sec­ond exer­cise that will clearly show you the ideal loca­tion to put your veg­gie patch.
  • Why size does matter.
  • Why even if you put your gar­den in the right place, but then use the wrong dimen­sions, you’ll be wast­ing your energy and destroy­ing the most impor­tant ele­ment in your garden.
  • An exact way to find the opti­mum size plot for your situation.
  • How wide you need to make your paths.
  • A sim­ple method to visu­alise your design, even if you can’t draw anything.

Mod­ule 2: Gath­er­ing Your Resources

  • All about the ‘inti­mate rela­tion­ship’ between edg­ing and weeds.
  • Four diverse and use­ful mate­ri­als you can use for edg­ing your gar­den beds and the pros and cons of each.
  • What a raised gar­den bed is and six rea­sons they’re so popular.
  • Which edg­ing options I used, why I chose them and what I rec­om­mend begin­ning with.
  • Where to find mate­ri­als for your gar­den edging.
  • Seven options for cre­at­ing path­ways that lead you eas­ily to your abun­dant harvest.
  • Real life exam­ples of dif­fer­ent paths and how they serve their owners.
  • How to decide where to begin and what I recommend.
  • Where to find mate­ri­als for your paths (if you need any at all!)
  • Why mak­ing your own soil is the key to an abun­dant veg­gie patch.
  • The sim­ple sci­en­tific for­mula that makes cre­at­ing your own soil fail safe, easy and fun. And some­thing the kids will enjoy too!
  • The two main ele­ments that make soil and how you can get your hands on them no mat­ter where you live.
  • The secret ingre­di­ent that all suc­cess­ful Per­ma­cul­ture gar­den­ers I know use to make soil, fast.
  • How to ensure your soil has all the nutri­ents you and your plants need for a healthy immune system.

Mod­ule 3: Soil Cre­ation Extravaganza!!!

  • How to make com­post that breaks down quickly and doesn’t smell.
  • What is safe to put into your com­post and what to leave out.
  • A nifty method to make it easy to save your kitchen scraps in a totally ‘non-icky’ way.
  • How to cre­ate soil that ensures your plants thrive.
  • The most impor­tant work force in your gar­den and how you can get them work­ing for you for free.
  • How to use cheap, read­ily avail­able organic ingre­di­ents to speed up the cre­ation of your nutri­tious soil.
  • The impor­tant soil cre­ation ingre­di­ent needed to ensure your fresh food is full of min­er­als and there­fore great for your health.

Mod­ule 4: Plant­ing Your Smorgasboard

  • Two types of plants I rec­om­mend every begin­ner start with and why even if you only grow these, you’ll greatly increase the abun­dance in your gar­den, meals and health.
  • How to cre­ate abun­dance in shady spots, with this list of plants that cope with shade.
  • A list of Per­ma­cul­ture plants that will sub­stan­tially increase the sus­tain­abil­ity and pro­duc­tiv­ity of your garden.
  • How to find plants that fit your ‘Sweet Spot’ and why plant­ing any­thing else is set­ting your­self up for dis­ap­point­ing results.
  • The 3 all impor­tant ques­tions to ask before you plant any­thing (this could save you hours of time& effort)
  • How to cus­tomise your own per­sonal plant­ing calendar.
  • Four extra spe­cial plant­ing tips to increase your abun­dance & plant­ing success.
  • Why grow­ing from seed can some­times be the best way to go.
  • How to know when to plant seeds direct into the soil or if you should plant into seed rais­ing pots first.
  • What sort of soil to plant into.
  • The method I’ve had the best results from sow­ing seeds, and the sim­ple steps you can fol­low too.
  • How to sow seeds directly into your no-dig garden.
  • Two quick and easy prop­a­ga­tion meth­ods to increase the abun­dance in your gar­den by cre­at­ing free plants.
  • How I got many of the plants in my gar­den, not from the store, but for free.
  • Four clever Per­ma­cul­ture plant­ing prin­ci­ples to increase the abun­dance in your gar­den with no extra effort.
  • A sim­ple for­mula to bring clar­ity around your gar­den and check if you’re on track, when life gets busy.
  • The secret to every gardener’s long-term success.

Mod­ule 5: Upkeep Your Abundance

  • 8 sim­ple meth­ods to dis­cour­age pests and dis­eases, with­out using chemicals.
  • The long-held beliefs we’ve been raised with as civ­i­lized soci­eties that tor­ment us and make more work for ourselves.
  • What weeds REALLY mean in your gar­den – are they a friend or foe?
  • 3 Stress-free meth­ods for man­ag­ing weeds in your veg­gie patch.
  • Why a weed in time saves nine.
  • What to do with weeds that have gone to seed.
  • 4 Clever, and sim­ple ways weeds HELP you in the garden.
  • What’s per­son­al­ity got to do with weeding?
  • How to main­tain your no-dig gar­den bed.
  • What to do when the sea­son is over and your plants have fin­ished producing.
  • What to do with peren­nial plants in a no-dig garden.
  • 4 Ways to increase your soil’s fer­til­ity, and thereby your garden’s pro­duc­tiv­ity and abundance.
  • How impor­tant is water, anyway?
  • Four nifty options to water your gar­den on any budget.
  • Six ways to save water in your veg­gie patch.
  • How to know when your plants really need a drink, and they’re not just ‘fak­ing’ it.
  • Tips to make water­ing a plea­sure and not a mess.

So are you ready to get your hands dirty + start growing your own organic goodness for all those juices + smoothies + yummy meals??   Then click here now!

Enrollment for the course closes THIS THURSDAY AT MIDNIGHT (Brisbane, Australia time).

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