up close and personal:18 things you really don’t need to know about me (but I’m telling you anyway)

I usually write love lists, reflections or thought provoking pieces.  But today, I thought I’d give you the opportunity to know me a little more intimately by sharing things very few people know.

1 // I’m a full blooded latina.  Whilst my bilingual skills will have you thinking otherwise, I definitely have the booty to prove it.

2 // I’ve never travelled overseas.  I don’t even own a passport.  I do however have a trip planned to New Mexico in March next year as part of my Deep Coaching Certification studies.

3 // In my experience, 24 hours of labour is one of the most painful experiences of my life.  Say no more.

4 // For the past 3 years I have lived without a TV (I much prefer it this way), a dining table (I prefer to get cosy around the coffee table – plus there wasn’t space for a dining table AND a dance pole) and a microwave (I avoid reheating food).   Simplicity is rather sweet.

5 // I crave silence, stillness and solitude every single day.  I wasn’t always this way.

6 // My star sign is Libra.  In fact, both my sun and moon signs are Libra.  And I have a Pisces rising.  If you’re into astrology, then you know that’s a whole lot of LOVE.  (And if you’re into Goddesses, than you can bet that Aphrodite is my pulse!)

7 // My dominant Enneagram type is number 7 (you can take a quick quiz here to find out your potential type).  Learning about the enneagram has been as life changing as my experience at a 10 Day Silent Meditation Retreat (aka Vipassana).

8 // I have 3 tattoos and intend to get a couple more.

9 // When I hear a song I love, I’ll listen to it over and over and over again.

10 // By the time I was 21 I was a step mum, a wife, a mum, a netball coach, a group fitness instructor and a uni graduate.  A lot has changed since then.

11 // I have not missed an episode of the Real L Word for the past 3 seasons (if you’re a lesbian, I’m sure you’ll understand).  I think Cacy + Kori are freakin adorable.  I absolutely loved Whitney + Sara’s wedding.  And Tracey + Stamie (from the first season) always make me laugh.

12 // I don’t own a credit card.  And never have.  I did, however, back in my uni days but it was linked to my parents account.  That arrangement didn’t last long.

13 // I have a draw filled with all sorts of tarot, oracle, and angel cards.  I also use my necklace as a pendulum from time to time.  I’m woo woo like that.

14 // I’m a little obsessed with my eyebrows.

15 // I think hanging out in libraries and bookstores is kinda sexy.

16 // My favourite childhood movie was Fern Gully.  My favourite teen movies were Empire Records and Dazed & Confused.  And right now, my favourite movies are Avatar and Elena Undone.

17 // I don’t like coffee.  I’ve always been a tea girl.

18 // On the 5th October, I’ll be celebrating the end of my 3 year Saturn Return.  And I’ll be in Cairns with 4 incredible women retreating in the rainforest talking business + desires.


What about you?  What are 3 things about you that not everyone knows (except your super close friends)?



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