upcoming event: A night of Stillness with tara bliss & yours truly on Sunday 30 September in Brisbane.

With big hearts and big smiles,  Tara Bliss  & I are coming together to host A NIGHT OF STILLNESS.  Click the video below to find out more…

So here’s the deal. You’re a go getting, busy-to-the-brim woman juggling it all. Life’s hectic; chaotic, fast-paced.

Now imagine:

– Sacred space for you to expand spiritually, both personally and as part of a sisterhood.

– Amplifying your manifestations to epic proportions.

– Clarity, re-callibration and laser focus that can only come from turning inward.

– Silence (and lots of it)!

What are we doing? A night of Stillness with Tara + Susana. Sunday September 30, 7.00-8.30pm, 68 Racecourse Rd, Ascot (TEN TOES YOGA).

Why are we doing this? We want to simultaneously experience deep self-connection andcommunity. We know, just as you do, that meditation revives and re-energises us like nothing else, and yet we don’t do enough of it. We want to re-calibrate and anchor back into peace during these busy times, and we have a hunch that you do too. This space is for you.

Who is this for? Women who are craving stillness and silence, who want to expand their spiritual practice to epic proportions and amplify their meditations in a group experience.

Who is this NOT for? Total meditation newbies.

Other details: Spaces are limited and bookings will be essential via paypal ($20 each). You can pay here.

Join us in our private Facebook group to find out more.

We can’t wait to sit in silence with you.

Big Love

Susana XO



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