renovating and retreating: the aftermath of Saturn Return

For the past 3 years I have been embarking on what I like to call “Personal Identity Bootcamp” all thanks to my Saturn Return. My relationships, my sexuality, my career, my beliefs, my values have all had a massive makeover.  Its been challenging, confusing and confronting.  Its also been liberating, refreshing and rewarding.  Sometimes it felt like a battlefield.  Other times it felt like cloud number nine.  Either way, it feels 1000 times better than where I was 3 years ago before I embarked on this journey.

Now that Saturn is done with its 3 year long tour through my star sign, Libra, you can bet your ass I’m celebrating.  Here’s how…

retreating in Cairns

I recently spent 4 days in Cairns with 4 incredible women: Leonie Dawson, Denise Duffield-Thomas, Kat Loterzo and Cat Dughi.  It was the perfect mix of intense strategy + soul work AND integration + relaxation.  It expanded my dreams, crystallised my vision and shifted my gears.

Every now and then you have to invest big in yourself.  This was definitely one of those moments.


renovating my digital home

It’s been a long time coming but I finally stripped off the black and revealed the white light.  It’s refreshing.  And symbolic.  I’m coming out of the shadows and stepping into my own light.

From here on in, my opinions will be bold and unapologetic.  My stories will be raw and revealing.  And my intention will be simple: to do my own work and share with you the tools, the strategies, the insights, the wisdom and the resources that will help you discover the most sustainable source of happiness.

To celebrate the beginning of these renovations, I have a little treat for you.

If you haven’t subscribed to my mailing list, head to the top of this page and enter your details on the right to receive a copy of my free ebook 101 Selfish Acts: a practical guide to putting your SELF first. 

There will be more tweaks and goodness coming your way.

In the meantime, if you are currently navigating through your Saturn Return or you’ve made it to the other side I want to hear about it.  From soul sista to soul sista.  Tell me what’s falling apart, what’s being revealed, what you’re afraid of and what you’re excited about.  Email me at susana(at) and expect a reply.

Big Love


PS. SELFISH FOR 27 DAYS starts in 11 days.  If you know it’s time for you to start putting your health and happiness first (instead of your responsibilities and your work)  click here to check it out.



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