i’m lovin’ a night of stillness, white light, delilah, past lives and home grown food


1. A Night of Stillness.

Imagine: a sacred space…lit dimly with candles…smelling like freshly smudged sage…filled with gorgeous women…majestically perched in stillness…oozing presence and peaceful power.  Now imagine, one of those gorgeous women is YOU.  I’m so excited to be teaming up with my soul sista, Tara Bliss, for another Night of Stillness happening this November.  Check out all the details here.


2. Free White Light Healing’s every Monday night.

I’ve just finished 6 intensive sessions with my modern mystic gal pal, Belinda Davidson.  Part of my ongoing healing program is receiving a White Light healing every Monday night at 9pm.


3. Delilah – From the roots up.

I’ve been dancing a lot lately.  My hips need to move no matter where I am.  My yoga practice has even been craving more fluidity lately as a result too.  And Delilah’s album is helping me, especially Inside My Love (click play)


4. Many Live, Many Masters.

After having a D&M with a friend of mine about Past Lives, she told me I had to read this book.  So I did.  That night.  In one sitting.  I couldn’t put this book down until I finished it.  It reconfirmed what I already believed to be true – our life is all about lessons.  When we get the lessons, we evolve.


5. My balcony garden.

Harvesting food from my balcony for my juices and my salads brings me so much joy.   I have my best friend, Nicola Chatham, to thank for helping me create this little sanctuary.  If you’re keen to starting growing organic food in pots than check out her course (enrolment closes this Friday!)


6.  Coconuts – my new addiction.


Enjoy your weekend!



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