{HOT WOMAN TO WATCH} Liz Dialto: re-emerging into the world with Wild Soul Movement

HOT WOMEN TO WATCH is a monthly feature where I put the spotlight on one powerful and soulful woman whose work I’m appreciating and cheering on because something tells me this is just the beginning.

In 2013, Shape Magazine listed her alongside Dr Oz, Ellen, Jillian Michaels, Tim Ferriss and more as a Top 30 Motivator.  Back then she was a personal trainer, group fitness instructor and nutrition coach.  

But in the past 9 months, she has gone through some epic transformations that had her leave the “fitness” world behind and instead started a free Soul Movement Salon for women (which now has over 2000 members and grows every day!).  

This month’s HOT WOMAN TO WATCH is Liz Dialto, a woman currently living in Los Angeles on a mission to revolutionise the way women move and nourish their bodies through Wild Soul Movement, a 12 week online experience of self-discovery that combines movement, meditation and mantra.

I’ve known (of) Liz for the past 3 years. But it wasn’t until we bumped into each other at the Emerging Women Conference in Boulder Colorado last October  that we really connected.  One conversation about chakras, love and soul callings was all it took.

Since then, our lives have been running parallel.

The thing I love most about Liz is that she leads by example. She’s bold and courageous.  She’s raw and real. She’s not afraid to cry in front of strangers or in public places. And she’s not afraid to laugh out loud or dance in the middle of street.  She owns her curves, her her experiences, her projections, her curiosities and her light.

Seriously, her energy is contagious and her support is unwavering. She was born to teach.

If you are lucky enough to be graced by her joyful presence, drink it up!

Introducing, Liz Dialto…


{Lets go deep and meaningful}

From breakdown to breakthrough, what was this moment for you?  The defining moment that changed e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.

God damn, you and I always have so much synchronicity, Susana. I actually wrote a blog post about this exact moment in March and reposted it to The Daily Love about 10 minutes ago. Of course.

The scene: walking on the beach in Malibu,CA in August 2013, the status of my year-and-a-half long relationship hanging in the balances, feeling super dissatisfied with my business and very serendipitously stumbling into divine guidance.

I realized for the last 10 years or so I was working really hard, but still not quite doing whatever it takes to get what I want…and it hit me, I didn’t know what I really wanted! So I finally committed to doing whatever it takes.

It was pure magic.

What has been the most challenging thing to let go of so you could put yourself first (be it your health or your desires or your inner wisdom)?  And what helped you let it go?

Any expectation of what anything in my life was “supposed to” look like. What helped me let it go was getting clear on my Core Desired Feelings – which at the time were Connected, Free, Wildly Feminine and Ease. They’ve evolved into Connected, Turned on, Wildly Feminine and Generous now. Insisting on feeling the way I want to feel and letting go of how any of it needed to look and constantly surrendering whenever I felt myself grasping or clinging is what really set me free.

What is Wild Soul Movement all about and why does this work matter?


Wild Soul Movement is a 12-week online experience of self-discovery that combines sensual movement, mantra and meditation. It’s not a fitness program. Despite what we’re marketed everyday, no pro, expert, or guru is a better authority than you on how to live your life or treat your body. Wild Soul Movement is designed to be your road map to loving, understanding and accepting your whole self. It gets women into their bodies. Think working in, not working out. The result is deep love for your self, trust in your intuition and connection to that power we all have, but often resist.

It matters because women who are connected to and trust their bodies hold the keys to a life of infinite joy, love, possibility and freedom regardless of what your past has dictated. I get goosebumps typing all of that. Fuck yes.

What’s some of the best relationship advice you’ve ever received?

Stay open. When you want to close, stay open. When you think you’re already open, open more. Deep love comes from accepting yourself and your partner exactly as we are and re-commiting to experiencing life together each day. I think the thing that messes ups relationships the most is expectations and future tripping instead of just being here together, right now and communicating in the moment.

When it comes to sex, what do you believe women need to know?

Surrender to pleasure. Not only do you deserve all of it, but your body is designed to be a blissful, multi-orgasmic, pleasure pumping machine. It’s also connected to everything else in your life. When we let go and allow in wild intimacy, we also allow in the fulfillment of our wildest dreams and desires unrelated to sex.

What books are you always telling people to read and why?

You know I could go all day on this!

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown  – she gives us the language to talk about the most shameful stuff we hide that keeps us small.

The Untethered Soul by Michael A Singer – this is basically the handbook for staying open as I mentioned above under relationship advice.

Awakening Shakti by Sally Kemption – for years I judged myself for “not being feminine enough” because I thought femininity meant being soft, prissy or girly in very traditional senses of those words. Through learning about nine different goddess energies I realized I’ve always been feminine, but my style is more fiery, passionate and sensual. This set me free in a huge way.

Way of the Superior Man by David Deida, this also helped me enormously around the masculine/feminine thing because the energies and essences differ. Helped me to not judge myself or my partner as much any more and identify how to again, be open and communicate better.

What music are you currently listening to?

I love Banks (your recommendation), Muse, Explosions in the Sky, and I am always listening to 90s hip hop or R&B and Jimi Hendrix

When do you feel most powerful, free, alive & turned on?

When I’m naked, doing Wild Soul Movement, or fucking.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear: WILD?

This feels uncomfortable to say so I’m just gonna go for it, ME.


{Now for the short and sweet…}

I’m interested in…deep love.

I believe…a connected and turned on woman is the most powerful force in the world.

I no longer…ask permission, I give it.

I desire…to be a force for expansion, for love, and for good.

In my experience….there is always room to play more, laugh more, and allow in more ease.

In 2014…I get to have everything I’ve ever wanted.



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PS. I am an ambassador and affiliate for Wild Soul Movement and support this program wholeheartedly.

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