Dating stories and advice from Acupuncturist & Holistic Coach, Keri Krieger.

Have you ever dated a younger man? Or someone who already has children?

Or are you a woman wondering if motherhood is on the cards for you and feel nothing but pressure when asked on a date, “Do you want kids?”.

If so, then you’re going to love today’s special guest.

Her name is Keri Krieger and she’s an Australian based acupuncturist and holistic coach helping guide women from all over the world on an embodied path from breakdown to breakthrough. She’s also the creator of Rockupuncture™, a luscious spa modality that you can experience at Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat in her hometown of the Gold Coast Australia or at Sydney Essential Health.

In this episode Keri and I discuss:

  • Dating after divorce and the gifts of dating a much younger man
  • The importance of unpacking your dating expectations, ideals and assumptions
  • How Keri met her partner and why it wasn’t “love at first sight”
  • How to retrain your nervous system for a healthier love
  • Letting go of the “lightning bolt” experience and celebrating the men right in front of you
  • 3 essential practices to help cultivate a deeper love for yourself and others
  • Asking and answering the big question:  “Do you want kids?”

Click play to listen {57mins}

items mentioned in this episode

Attached by Amir Levine & Rachel Heller

Big Love

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