18 reasons why I keep going back to Vipassana.

Vipassana meditation is my daily practice.  Sometimes I sit for 5mins…sometimes I sit for 60mins.  Sometimes it’s first thing in the morning.  Other times it’s in the middle of day.  But most of the time it’s the last thing I do before I go to bed.

Vipassana is a technique: a very simple + very profound technique.

But after recently spending 3 days back at the retreat for a refresher course, I was reminded of how challenging it is to:

a) sit still
b) focus on one thing
c) let go of the rest.

And not just for 5 minutes or 60minutes.  But for 3 whole days (let alone 10)!!!

I may have been super excited to go back there (afterall it had been 12months) but by the time day 3 came around I was super excited to get out of there.  I was DONE with sitting still.  I was DONE with focusing on my breath.  I was DONE with observing the sensations arising in my body.  I was DONE with trying to remain equanimous.  DONE. DONE. DONE!

My eyelids refused to close.  My butt felt as flat as a pancake.  And my mind was bored + ready to go-go-go!

If you’ve done Vipassana, I KNOW you KNOW what I’m talking about!

If you haven’t done Vipassana, you may be wondering why on earth would I keep going back.

And it’s a great question.  Because sometimes I ask myself the same thing.  I mean, if I already know the technique than why do I want to keep going back?

Turns out I have my reasons.

Here are 18 of them:

  1. It’s the best mental cleanse I’ve ever had.
  2. My intuition goes through the roof.  It whispers loudly in my ear.
  3. Confusion evolves into clarity.  
  4. My creativity spark turns into a bonfire.
  5. The tension, the stress, the worry, the drama…it all falls away.  Instantaneously.
  6. I hang out in ‘observation’ mode much longer before flicking over into ‘reactive’ mode.
  7. If I flicker over to ‘reactive’ mode I flicker back to ‘observation’ mode in lightning speed.
  8. My relationships soften + deepen.  Intimacy is divine.
  9. Another door of truth opens.
  10. I gracefully let go of the debris even in moments of conflict + chaos. 
  11. I experience how I create my own misery + disease.
  12. My attachments dissolve.  
  13. I appreciate simplicity + space more.
  14. I find joy in the little things…the tiny things.
  15. My reigns of control loosen + I allow myself to be with the unknown.
  16. My cells are resurrected.  I shed another layer.  It’s vulnerable but true.
  17. I remember I already have the answers.
  18. I embody the power of presence (instead of just knowing it).
It’s for these exact reasons, plus many more, that I will always be called back to Vipassana for more.





7 Comments to “18 reasons why I keep going back to Vipassana.”

  1. Hello Vienda,

    I have never heard of Vipassana before! I love meditation but not sure I could sit through three days of silence ;)
    Last Saturday I was so very lucky to visit the Buddhist Temple at Eudlo (QLD) for Lunch. I loved every minute of walking through the gardens, and feeling the place. It was magical. I havent done a retreat yet, but am keen to see if I can do a weekend retreat sometime soon.


    • Vienda has done Vipassana before – she knows exactly what I’m taking about. And good on you for checking out the Buddhist Temple at Eudlo. Definitely worthwhile learning a great meditation technique. Love to you Lisa. Susana xoxo

  2. hi there – I have heard of Vipassana before – I saw a documentary a few years that profiled 3 executives who did the 10-day course in Sydney’s Blue Mountains. It was transformative for all of them, in so many ways.

    I’ve never done it myself; there’s something about just the thought of it that gives me a little shiver of apprehension. Maybe a sign that there’s something there for me.

    I loved your list of 18 things. What jumped out at me were number 10, 11 and 12.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. All your 18 reasons for doing vipassana are true, I did the 10 days at pomona about 5 years ago, the silence and concentration is just too challenging for some.
    It’s funny to see the ones who have mind turmoil !! they fidget and squirm and look around to see if anyone else is having the same trouble !! and one by one they flee to the door convincing themselves that they don’t need to do this ( they are the very ones that do need to do this !!) We lost 4 in the first 2 days, I would love to do another one but I need to find another venue down the Gold Coast area.

  4. The eighteen reasons you have mention about going back to Vipassana retreat is excellent. Retreats are always good. Escape from the daily noise, full of relaxation. But when you are talking about Vipassana retreat i am really not much with that. I feel particularly, 10 days retreats are not so healthy. It does not went nice with me. Some how I feel Vipassana is not about attending retreats, but more about non-judgement awareness in moment-to-moment experience.


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