5 day TRUTH KICK + SPARK KIT giveaway winner announced

Expressing the truth about who we are and what we really want is the key to peaceful and healthy living.  Listening to ourselves and acknowledging what we really feel allows us to change what is not working and to live in a more meaningful, purposeful way.  If we are not willing to listen to or see our truth, the question that we really need to ask is, who is the lie for? ~ The Truth Heals by Deborah King

The truth is everybody lies and everybody has secrets.  We withhold the truth about who we really are, what we really want + what we really think on a daily basis.  And the crazy thing is, half of the time, we are oblivious to the fact that we are even lying.

We tell lies to cover our ass, get us out of trouble, and avoid taking responsibility.
We tell lies to get our own way and justify our behaviour.
We tell lies to avoid hurting others or making them feel bad.
We tell lies to inflate our own egos + prove ourselves to others.
We tell lies to avoid conflict + confrontation.
We tell lies to avoid feeling our own pain.
We tell lies because we’re afraid of what others will really think.
We tell lies because we’d rather not know…because we’re scared of what will happen.
We tell lies because we fear we aren’t good enough.
We tell lies first to ourself and then to the rest of the world.

Many of us are pretending to be happy.  Many of us are pretending that everything is okay.  Many of us are faking it until we make it.  We’re focusing on the positives and striving for greatness but we’re doing it with a sense of denial about what’s really going on.  Our relationships are a mess, our bank accounts are drained, we’re swimming in debt, our happiness is non-existent and our health is falling apart.

Our lies + our secrets, no matter how big or small, are major energy leaks that are constantly draining the life force out of us.

If we keep pretending to be someone or something that we’re not, we’re never going to be able to truly move forward and be who we are meant to be.

It’s time to stop running from ourselves, believing our own bullshit and feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place.  It’s time to embrace the raw reality of our truth so we can set ourselves free.

So next week, I’m devoting this space here on Deliriously Deep to getting real + igniting your truth in motion.  I’m calling it a “5 DAY TRUTH KICK”.  Each day I’ll be posting a question which will serve as an opportunity for you to go deep + get real with expressing the truth of who you really are, what you really want + what you really think.

So grab a journal.  Carve some time for yourself.  And if you haven’t already, subscribe to my mailing list to have the TRUTH KICK delivered straight to your inbox.



And the winner of Danielle Laportes Spark kit is………….Sue Engle.

(Sue send me an email at [email protected] + I’ll email you the SPARK KIT ASAP)


5 Comments to “5 day TRUTH KICK + SPARK KIT giveaway winner announced”

    • Hey Lara! To subscribe to the Truth Kick just subscribe to my mailing list (right hand top corner underneath the pic of me).

  1. Susana, I have to say this publicly (e-mail on its way)

    I am absolutely over the moon about winning this, I just called up my coach and practically screamed in her ear, and I am doing the happy dance deluxe in my living room! I am THRILLED!!!

    All the best in the world, Sue

  2. […] the interlude. The truth is everybody lies and everybody has secrets. We withhold the truth about who wereally are, what we really want + what we really think on a daily basis. And the crazy thing is, half of the time, we are oblivious to the fact that we are even lying. We tell lies to cover our ass, get us out of trouble, and avoid taking responsibility. We tell lies to get our own way and justify our behaviour… […]

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