day 5 of the 5 DAY TRUTH KICK


Question #5: Where are you straight-out lying?


So there you have it.  Five questions to ignite your truth.

Here’s a quick summary:

  1. Where are you not telling the truth about what you really want?
  2. Where are you not saying what you really think?
  3. Where are you using stuck or confused to avoid telling the truth?
  4. What secrets are you sick of keeping?
  5. Where are you straight-out lying?

Now that you have the awareness of where you have been withholding your truth, you have a very powerful choice to make:

You may choose to ignore these revelations and continue to live your life just as it is.  Or you may choose to set yourself free by following your truth + living it wholeheartedly.

But know that aligning our outer world to reflect our inner truth is quite a process.  A process that requires a lot of letting go.  Letting go of the lies…letting go of the excuses…letting go of the illusions…letting go of the non-stop mental chatter + discouraging voices…letting go of the protective layers we’ve built up around our hearts.  But here’s the good news…

Letting go makes way for something closer to the truth which is always more beautiful.

So if you’re ready to move from simply knowing your truth to living your truth, here are some resources + inspiration to help you along the way:

  1. WatchThe Truth Will Set You Free episode from Oprah’s Life Lessons featuring Martha Beck.  Grab yourself a herbal tea + soak in this 90min webcast.  You will learn how to unravel the lies, how to tell the truth and the impact it all has on your health + wellbeing.  And who knows, Martha may coach someone out of a lie just like yours.
  2. Read…Truth Heals: What You Hide Can Hurt You by Deborah King.  This is one of those books I couldn’t put down.    It was the first time I discovered that our bodies remember EVERYTHING.  Our lies and our secrets manifest into disease + illness…and telling the truth is a major element in the healing process.
  3. Practice…Yoga + Meditation like it’s going out of fashion.  You have to cultivate a quiet mind so you can hear your truth.  You have to let go of the tension in the body so you can feel your truth.  You have to open your heart so you know your truth.    This is the magic of Yoga.
  4. LearnTerri Cole + Ashley Turner brought their geniuses together  for this 6 week program called Live Your Truth. Love Your Life.  Learn where truth lives in the body, how to speak + honour your truth, how to clear limiting beliefs/lies/limitations, and how to live from your core.  It’s only just started so it’s not too late to join us.

Love Susana xo


One Comment to “day 5 of the 5 DAY TRUTH KICK”

  1. Thank you soooooo much Susana, once again for reaching out and sharing your knowledge!! There are those of us who want desperately to change our lives for the better but need guidance, support and motivation to keep at it. Just when I start to fall into the trap of taking care of everyone else instead of myself….. an email from you comes through and rescues me!!
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
    Carlee :)

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