make peace with your plate once and for all thanks to jessica ainscough

Jessica Ainscough is THE Wellness Warrior.

She’s been there, done that + has lived to tell her story.  She embodies all that is to living a healthy glowing kick ass life!  And she’s the kind of girl you want to be around just so you can soak in her contagious enthusiasm, overflowing joy + divine presence.

Besides being a regular to my yoga classes AND being the coolest wellness guru I’ve ever had AND being an amazing friend, Jess is also the curator of the wildly popular website + WellnessWarriorTV.

Today Jess Ainscough is launching her brilliant new book: MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR PLATE...

 and here are 11 reasons why you need it

1. In the first 10 seconds Jess has you imagine what life would look like if you could eat whatever you wanted and still look in the mirror and see someone you are completely in love with staring back at you?

2. Jess will also have you imagine how much energy you would have, and how much you would get done, if worrying about your weight + food choices just didn’t exist?

3. Gain insights into a lifestyle that not only prevented Jess from having her arm amputated but saved her life

4. Rewire your brain with this fact: eating is not just about function or taste…it’s about enjoyment.

5. Forget the diet labels.  Learn to use your common sense + intuition to guide you from the garden (or the market) to your kitchen and “eat what your body runs best on”.

6. Rediscover sage wisdom + old truths that have been silenced by marketing, advertising + industry proaganda.

7. Know which foods are contributing to weight gain, bad skin + bitchin emotions and which ones will lead you to a glowing gorgeous body + a peaceful happy mind.

8. Learn all about coffee enemas.  Jess’ enthuasism will somehow inspire you to try one.

9. Get healthy alternatives to your nasty old habits, plus easy to follow recipes + the only shopping list you’ll ever need.

10. It’s not just about food. Know why meditation, movement, sunlight + spirituality are part of the wellness warrior formula.

11. Be part of a hip community where taking responsbility for sustainable + optimal health come first and the days of binge drinking, drugs, drama + dodgy food are something of the past.

So head over to the WELLNESS WARRIOR site and grab your copy of MAKE PEACE WTIH YOUR PLATE here.



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