positive obsessions

I am obsessed with healing + transformation.

I am obsessed with the power of the human spirit.

I am obsessed with stories of people changing their life for the better despite their circumstances.

I am obsessed with discovering HOW they did it.

And I’m obsessed with sharing my obsession with you.

On the weekend my mum discovered the video clip below.  It is a story of healing, transformation, the power of human spirit, and the desire to change despite the circumstances.  And, this story also reminds me why yoga is such a profound practice, not just for ‘some’ people but for EVERYONE.

So click play + enjoy!


Question: Did this clip inspire you?  If so, let me know in the comments EXACTLY what inspired you?

4 Comments to “positive obsessions”

  1. Every time he fell he got straight up and went right back to trying. Lesson learned for today… Time to get on the rower and get out the yoga mat.

  2. He makes true the maxim:
    Fall down 7 times, get up 8.
    We can do anything, if we believe.

  3. Absolutely inspiring, Susana – the time frame, his dedication, the courage and will to never, ever give up. I’m promising myself to get on my mat tonight. X

  4. Such an inspiring story and such an awesome example of courage and spirit. A reminder of the immense power of belief.

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