i’m loving miracles, astrology, manifesto’s + sexy tunes

When you’re craving some love the best thing you can do is create a love list.  Notice the love that’s already in your life and feel it flow right in even more.

This month I’m lovin…

1. part one + part two of this interview my friend Jess Ainscough did with Anita Moorjani, the author of Dying to be me: My Journey from Cancer.  Listen to Anita share her story of battling lymphoma cancer for four years (we’re talking body full of tumors from the base of her skull to bottom of her spine, lungs filled with fluid, and medical assistance to help her breath + eat)  to being in a coma for 30hrs to waking up and being totally healed in just 4 days.

Her near death experience is miraculous.  And the wisdom that seeped into every cell in her body from this near death experience is exactly what your soul is begging to hear.  Adding this book immediately to the top of my “must read list”.

2. AstroStyle Mobile created by the Astro Twins.  Very rarely do I download new apps but I just had to have this one!  Getting up close + personal with my astrology has deeply influenced my life these past 12months.

3. My B-School Power Posse (seriously, they are my secondarly life force!).  Even though this online program is based in the States we have quite a powerhouse of women here in Australia + when we get together it’s a concoction of laughter, creative ideas, generosity + endless support.  Seriously, when you find your people hang on…you’re in for a speedy ride to the top of the mountain. {if you’re sitting on the fence with B-school  you only have until 5am Brisbane time to say YES.  Click here to read the added bonus from moi

4. This essential oil blend called Joy.  Secretly wishing I had a stash that never ran out.

5. Bee Bosnak’s manifesto.  I absolutely love everything this girl is up to.  We recently connected on skype + laughed ourselves stupid.  After reading her manifesto it’s no wonder we get on like a house on fire.

6. The Selfish Ones!!  Selfish for 27 days is finishing up this weekend and it’s been such a beautiful experience.  I love hearing people stories…the real, deep + personal stories.  It’s such an honour to read someone’s sacred ‘stuff’ + to meet them exactly where they are at.  There have been so many positive changes + transformations…this is the stuff that melts my heart. Selfish for 27 days will kick off again later in the year.  In the meantime, if you want to score some Selfish goodies, you can grab the 101 Selfish Acts ebook when you subscribe to my mailing list.   (If you’re already on my list, you’ll be receiving your copy soon! )

7. There is something about this guy + his performance style that tickles me in all the right places.  Click play + enjoy!


So tell me, what are you lovin right now??



2 Comments to “i’m loving miracles, astrology, manifesto’s + sexy tunes”

  1. I am in love with JOY from Young Living too – it’s amazing. Although I recently tried out VALOUR and RELEASE and love them too!!

    • Yes! Valour is awesome too! So grateful to have an awesome lomi lomi masseuse who uses these ;-)

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