two hot women to watch: Jessica Ainscough + Rachel MacDonald (thanksgiving edition)

Thanksgiving isn’t something I usually celebrate, but this year I am.  My brother’s girlfriend is American and they are finally living back in Australia so it’s a pretty big day here for us.  So, in honour of Thanksgiving and all these celebrations I’m putting the spotlight on two incredible women who are close to my heart and are currently in big GIVE mode at the moment.

Introducing this months WOMEN TO WATCH…

Jessica Ainscough :: writer, holistic health coach + green juicin’ cancer-kickin Wellness Warrior

I’ve broadcasted her work a few times already and that’s because I believe Jess is definitely one woman to watch – especially now.

In a little over twelve months Jess has created a trio of ebooks, her own online show, and a comprehensive online program called the Lifestyle Transformation Guide.  She’s also done countless speaking gigs for live and online events and she’s recently joined forces with 3 other women for a web show called Health Talks.

And yet, this is just the beginning.  Jess has some BIG projects set for 2013 and they are going to rock your wellness warrior ass to the  moon and back again.

Until then, Jess is giving 3 people the opportunity to WIN her latest creation: Lifestyle Transformation Guide valued at $579.  Click play below to check out the awesome promo clip for the program then click here to find out how you can win access to the Lifestyle Transformation Guide.


Rachel MacDonald :: inspiration junkie, aspiring life coach + creator of

When Rachel isn’t working (and by working I mean rockin’ the web as Digital Comms Exec for one of Australia’s biggest tourism marketing organisations) she’s whipping up wicked words on her website In Spaces Between.  In a little over one year, this site has quickly become the  the go-to for juicy inspiration, confidence building, fear fighting and mindset shifting attracting over 30,000 visits a month.

If you haven’t already, I suggest you head to her website and grab a copy of her awesome FREE ebook, More magic, all the time: 20 ways to create your best life ever.  It’s incredibly stylish and super inspirational.   Which is everything Rachel is.

And while you’re over there, she’s currently celebrating her 30th birthday with us all by offering 2 prize packs valued at over $750 (seriously, this woman is such a generous spirit!).  Click the image below to find out more.


Happy Thanksgiving beautiful people!

Big Love
Susana XO

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