this winter was all about expansion: learning + launching.

Winter is usually the time to hibernate + rest in preparation for the newness that Spring brings.  But after rolling in the deep for a little over 12 months after some major life transitions, Winter was the season I learnt + launched.

Celebrations ::  In July I announced the birth my new site: deliriously deep designed + created by yours truly.  I also launched a new timeslot for my yoga classes in Coolum.  And in August, I celebrated some divine leo love in honour of my daughter, my son + my mothers’ birthdays.

Writings :: I declared the importance of defining spirituality on your own terms, whatever that looks like.  I shared 3 biggest changes that changed my life + 8 signs you are on the brink of a major meltdown. And I devoted a whole week to my most influential poetry.

Expansion :: I delved into online marketing + wordpress design at Rich, Happy + Hot BSchool thanks to two incredibly innovative women: Marie Forleo + Laura RoederThis course was savvy, stylish + soulful.  The calibre of women (and men) from around the world was MIND BLOWING!  And the SUPPORT was OUTSTANDING!

I delved into Anusara yoga with Julie Cameron of Shri Yoga in Brisbane.  This workshop was intimate + hands on, and it proved that a sweet spot does really exist in every single pose.  It all about alignment + integration, baby!

I delved into understanding + applying the Enneagram with A Call to Presence.  The Enneagram has been the most profound tool I have come across to expanding my own consciousness + gaining a deeper understanding of my true essence.

I delved into Carren Smiths Speaker Secrets Exposed thanks to some very high recommendations.  And I was not disappointed.  This was one powerful day + this is one powerful woman with one very powerful story.  Needing to find your voice + express it with the world??  Carren Smith is your lady!

here’s to Spring + the success that it brings.

Love Susana xo

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