Focus, simplicity and pleasure: 17 things I did that made 2017 one of my best years.

1. Devoted the whole year to having a wild love affair with pleasure. And recorded my highlight moments every single week in my planner. This is by far the VERY BEST THING I did in 2017 and possibly my whole life! I shared my best lessons from every season here, here, here and here.

2. Attended as many events as possible where I knew there would be dancing and awesome people. So many of these experiences have been my highlights for 2017.

3. Discovered my Erotic Blueprint Profile {I’m an energetic/shapeshifter} and dived deeper into the training with Jaiya.

4. Cooked a feast for the family every most Monday night’s at my brother’s house. My most memorable evening involved cranking Bony M {one of my dad’s favourite – he use to blast this when I was a child} and busting out the dance moves in the living room. My mum believes that one night helped put her hip back into place.

5. Started my day with a KB smoothie and took my brain health more seriously thanks to this interview with Dr. Kelly Brogan and the work of Dr. Daniel Amen {I’d love to have a brain scan at one of his clinics!}

6. Organised my life into 3 main categories (health, play, and work) then divided each category into 3 specific areas so I could clearly see which areas of my life I was neglecting and/or avoiding. Then I gave them more of my love and attention. Hello, life balance!!

7. Invested in a Sonicare electric toothbrush. (Will find out next month if I was able to avoid that cavity in the making).

8. Invested in Wireless Noise Cancelling headphones by Bose. I bought these on sale for all the traveling I have in store next year, however, they’ve made my home Sacred Dance sessions {especailly the evening ones} super sexy and fun.

9. Moved my laptop out of my bedroom, off the dining table and down to my parent’s house in their spare living room and set up shop there. This was the direct result of having a love affair with pleasure who was desperately wanting some stronger boundaries around my work time and play time. Overall, this one change has been amazing for my productivity, creativity, relationships, and mental health.

10. Finally got my money systems looking sexy thanks to Xero. Also, epic thanks to this brilliant training, Simply Xero, for making this so easy to set up.

11. Planned my week to revolve around focus days. Wearing multiple hats every single day was really taking a toll on me, especially when it came to my creativity, my joy, and my sanity. This is what a standard week looks like for me now: Monday = admin; Tuesday = podcast/blog; Wednesday = coaching; Thursday = writing; Friday = health; and Saturday/Sunday = play.

12. I followed my heart and went all in. I never regret risking it all for love. Never.

13. Implemented the “no contact” rule as a way to move forward sooner rather than later. Let’s just say, the energy, creativity, and goodness that flooded my life during this time blew my fucking mind and confirmed that our soul purpose is always unfolding in mysterious ways.

14. Discovered “Deeper Dating” by Ken Page and devoured it. My number one book when it comes to dating with soul!

15. Committed to a period of conscious celibacy. Still going.

16. Committed to a twelve-month yoga membership. Practicing at home, alone, wasn’t getting the juices flowing as much as I’d like.

17. Closed the year with this 21 day cleanse. Christmas Day was my last day and I couldn’t feel more amazing to begin 2018 {and my Sacred Dance Tour kicking off Jan 2}!

Big Love


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