changing the world for the best starts with more women being SELFish.


A simple word with so much meaning.

Say it aloud.  SELFISH.  What relationship do you have with this 7-letter word.

Say it aloud again. SELFISH. What sensations do you feel in the body?  What thoughts arise in the mind?

Say it again…this time in a whisper.  selfish. What stories do you relive?  What scars do you wear?

The “holding back on your dreams to support someone else’s dream” scar.
The “shrinking your accomplishments so you don’t outshine the others” scar.
The “make sure everyone else is looked after first” scar.
The “your opinions are meaningless” scar.

No matter how deeply embedded some of these scars are, and no matter how much work it may take to fully heal them, know that you are worth every moment of putting yourself first.

Because here’s what I know:

Going to a meditation retreat to find yourself.  Life changing.

Saying no to others to say yes to yourself. Life changing.

Following your heart + betraying another. Life changing.

Letting go of the lies to embrace the truth. Life changing.

Taking a digital sabbatical to love the one you’re with.  Life changing.

Investing in yourself to discover your ‘sweet spot‘.  Life changing.

Nurturing your passions to light up the world. Life changing.

Doing it your way + finding out for yourself. Life changing.

Making your health + happiness a priority. Life changing.

Being selfish is life changing. Honouring yourself first is revolutionary.

When Ghandi says, “Be the change you want to see in the world”, he’s really saying “go work on yourself”. This means you have to take care of yourSELF.  You have to radically love yourSELF.  You have to genuinely express yourSELF.  You have to wholeheartedly trust yourSELF.  You have to deeply know yourSELF.  And to do this, you have to be SELFish.

So it’s time to redefine SELFish.  It’s time to see SELFish as a way of staying in touch with our center…as a way of connecting with our deepest SELF so we can have the energy + enthusiasim to keep engaging in our lives + bringing our unique strengths + gifts to the world.

I think it’s time we all put ourselves first.


3 Comments to “changing the world for the best starts with more women being SELFish.”

  1. Perfect timing on this one, Susana! Thank you for it. Claiming ‘selfishness’ when one is tied to so many people and activities is a challenge… first and foremost, for ME! There is a part of me that feels the need to be connected and engaging. Yet by that very course I am not creating what I desire to create which requires time alone… deep. time. alone.

    Using your mantra: “It’s time to see SELFish as a way of staying in touch with our center… as a way of connecting with our deepest SELF so we can have the energy + enthusiasm to keep engagin in our lives + bringing our unique strengths + gifts to the world.” I am going to use your post as a catalyst to close the door and spend these next two days in the creationary fires with meeee… & meeee.

  2. When Ghandi says, “Be the change you want to see in the world”, he’s really saying “go work on yourself”. This means you have to take care of yourSELF. You have to radically love yourSELF. You have to genuinely express yourSELF. You have to wholeheartedly trust yourSELF. You have to deeply know yourSELF. And to do this, you have to be SELFish. <–I really like this part. It's so true and good to know that being selfish is good for myself.

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