

Welcome to Dance Yourself Free!

I’m so honoured to have you here in this program.

Everything you need to know for week one is below.

Remember, if you need help or any tech assistance, drop me an email on [email protected]

Until then, let’s get started!

Big Love
Susana XO


The foundations + Methodology of Sacred Dance by Susana

My intention is for this to be super easy and simple. Click play on the playlist below. Downloads will be available at the completion of the course.

Module One – THE Exercises

This week you have only one mission and it’s this:

Dance every day for seven consecutive days using the Sacred Dance method.

Remember, there are no rules when it comes to how long you must dance for, or what type of music you must listen to, or how you should be dancing. You have a lot of freedom this week to experiment with this Sacred Dance method through your own body, any way you like.

A few suggestions to help you get started:

  1. Choose ONLY one song – it might be the same song or a different one song each time – and dance to it every single day.
  2. Choose one album and dance to as many songs as you can. You might listen to the album in order or you might hit shuffle so you don’t know what’s coming.
  3. Choose only three songs, all from a completely different genres. Use the same songs every day, or choose three new ones every day.

Honestly, it doesn’t matter what you decid to do, as long as you commit to dancing every day for seven consecutive days using the Sacred Dance method as described in the audio trainings.

Also, be sure to keep a journal so you can reflect on your experiences and your song selections.

Lastly, if you haven’t already, I recommend you start your own personal playlist titled “DANCE YOURSELF FREE 2018” on whatever music streaming platform you choose (my personal choice is Spotify). Anytime you come across a song you LOVE, add it to the list.


Here are some of the questions we explored on this call:

  • How to find songs effectively for certain moods/ feeling states?
  • How to give expression through dance/ flow movement when feelings “suddenly” change (as if a new layer emerges…)?
  • Any tips on how to listen differently to be able to feel where it lands on my body? I don’t dance very much but really want to move differently than I normally do and dance a whole lot more.
  • Also is it better to stand when listening or is it ok to sit at the beginning if not feeling how my body wants to move yet?
  • What are some tips to help move stuck energy while also honouring the way my body seemingly wants to move?
  • How can I stay better connected to the feeling instead of getting lost in the thoughts and judgments?
  • How can I stay connected to the feeling in my body, especially as I drop into “autopilot”?
  • What to do if you are receiving visions during your Sacred Dance practice?
  • How can I make time for Sacred Dance every day?

Click here to access the replay of this weeks group coaching call. Be sure to download and save it on your own computer so you can review it at a later time.

YOUR course checklist

  • Listen to Module One training audios
  • Complete the weekly mission
  • Share your dance reflections and song selections in the Facebook Group
  • Attend the weekly Group Coaching call (or listen to the replay)

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