

Welcome back to Dance Yourself Free!

Everything you need to know for week two is below.

Remember, if you need help or any tech assistance, drop me an email on [email protected]

Until then, dive right in!

Big Love
Susana XO


Sacred Dance for Sexual Awakening & Nourishment

My intention is for this to be super easy and simple. Click play on the playlist below. Downloads will be available at the completion of the course.

Module TWO – THE Exercises

Your mission this week has three components:

  1. Identify and name your “wild one” or whoever it is that is coming to life through your Sacred Dance practice
  2. Identify your one song that awakens Her, and
  3. Dance with Her every day, for seven consecutive days.

If you are yet to experience your “awakening” and/or need some extra help with song selections, try these playlists as a starting point:

By all means, you are free to use your own playlists or the endless playlists that Spotify has also curated. You can also “start radio” from one of your favourite songs. This is a great trick on Spotify for accessing new music.

When listening to music this week, try experimenting with these 3 approaches:

  • Listen to a playlist from start to finish
  • Hit shuffle on a playlist and let the Spotify gods guide you, or
  • Intuitively select the tracks you want to experiment with

Remember to keep a journal so you can reflect on your experiences and your song selections.


Here are some of the questions we explored on this call:

  • knowing and feeling the difference between the erotic and the sexually erotic
  • genuine connection vs sexual chemistry in relationships
  • how to make space for your sexual self when your current experience is predominantly one of grief & heartbreak
  • making time for your practice every single day
  • the #1 app we all need to help build your Sacred Dance playlists
  • using the title “Dance yourself Free 2018” or “DYF 2018” so others can easily find your playlists…and so much more!

Click here to access the replay of this weeks group coaching call. Be sure to download and save it on your own computer so you can review it at a later time.

WEEK TWO course checklist

  • Listen to Module Two training audios
  • Complete the weekly mission
  • Share your dance reflections and song selections in the Facebook Group
  • Attend the weekly Group Coaching call (or listen to the replay)

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