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With love, Susana

+ Bonus 1: 20 Questions for powerful relationships

One of the keys to creating a thriving partnership, is to ask powerful questions – of yourself and your partner.

Below are my go-to questions, the ones I continuously come back to. May they too become your go-to questions or inspire you to create your own.

  1. What are you looking for from a relationship
  2. What is your purpose for being in partnership?
  3. What do you most need to give (and receive) in your relationship?
  4. What does sex mean for you?
  5. Where do you go during sex?
  6. What part of you do you connect with there, and what parts of you get expressed there?
  7. What part of your sexuality/Erotic Self is currently needing to be nourished and/or expressed?
  8. How can I love you better/best?
  9. What things do I do that make you feel loved?
  10. Is there anything I can do that would make your day?
  11. How would you currently rate me as a partner {lover/provider/nurturer/mother…explore 3-4 main roles you play in your relationship dynamic}? And how could I improve?
  12. How are we going to be together in a way that works for both of us?
  13. How are we going to negotiate our needs?
  14. When there is conflict or hurt, how are we going to move back into loving connection?
  15. What would you love? Right now?
  16. What would pleasure do? (Or choose any other desired quality)
  17. If I defined myself as an Erotic Woman/Pleasure Queen/Sexy Goddess/Powerful Creator what would I do? 
  18. What did you hear me say? Use this questions if you feel you’ve been  misunderstood or you notice the other person shut down or become defensive.
  19. What can we do better next time? This helps focus the attention forward on the future instead of dwelling on the past. 
  20. What do you want? All conflict contains within it a desire. Therefore, the key to moving through conflict involves locating and naming the hidden desire.

[ Credit: Questions 4-6 are by Esther Perel and questions 12-14 are by Terry Real]

+ Bonus 2: My Top 10 Book Recommendations

  1. The New Rules of Marriage by Terry Real
  2. Deeper Dating by Ken Page
  3. Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel
  4. How to Stay in Love by James Sexton
  5. The Erotic Mind by Jack Morin
  6. Unbound: A woman’s guide to power by Kasia Urbaniak
  7. Cuffed, Tied & Satisfied by Jaiya
  8. Orgasm Unleashed by Eyal Matsliah
  9. The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
  10. The Enneagram in Love & Work by Helen Palmer

+ Bonus 3: The Erotic Blueprint Playlists

These playlists are created using Spotify. Be sure to follow them so you can easily access them in your Spotify Library.

+ Bonus 4: Sacred Dance X Erotic Blueprint Online Workshop

+ Bonus 5: A personal consultation/coaching session

Don’t underestimate the power of one conversation with the right person, at the right time. Click here to book in for your 30min session with me. Not sure what to ask or what it is you really need my support/advice on? Show up anyway and I’ll take the lead.

NB: This bonus must be claimed before November 30 2020 .

+ Bonus 6: Live EBBC Q&A session

This live Q&A session will be your opportunity to connect directly with Ian and/or Jaiya and myself to ask us anything about the Erotic Blueprints or LOVE SEX DESIRE. This will be scheduled for early December.

PS. You’ll receive an email closer to date with all the details.

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