Let’s dance! My Summer of Love Sacred Dance tour.

Finally! After two years of my Sacred Dance events being on pause it’s time to hit PLAY. This February, for my Summer of Love tour, you have 3 events to choose from: Brisbane, Feb 12Melbourne, Feb 19Sydney, Feb 26 Tickets on sale now. So what happens at a Sacred Dance event? The evening is broken into two parts: the workshop & the dance. During the workshop we explore the key themes for the night, do some warm-up embodiment exercises and…
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Mapping out the new year

When it comes to mapping out the year ahead, I do the same thing every year. I start with a fresh 12 month calendar.Some highlighters.And a pencil. Then I mark out all the important dates. But I do this in a very particular order.  First, I start with the dates I can’t move. Think school holidays, uni exam weeks, birthdays, anniversaries, and public holidays like Easter, Christmas etc. These are all the things I can’t change…even if I wanted to.  Then…
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Surprise pregnancy and loss.

Last month I peed on 3 sticks on 3 different days and the result was always the same: pregnant. I cried. This was not part of the plan. Later, yes. Now, no. Now was bad timing. Very bad timing. You see, we’re planning to relocate OS next year and this pregnancy meant we’d need to delay those plans which would (1) disrupt my daughters schooling more than I’d like, and (2) have me give up all my plans as my…
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