2 must do’s before planning your kick-ass 2018.

As we come cruising into the end of 2017, it’s super easy to get swept up in the excitement of a brand new year. And why wouldn’t we?! A new year always screams new beginnings and fresh starts. It promises infinite possibilities. Plus, casting your eyes forward and dreaming your big dreams is a vital process to creating an authentic and fulfilling life. But not before doing these 2 essential things first. Tune in to today’s episode to learn what…
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4 reasons you need more pleasure {spring reflections}

Hello December! Summer has officially arrived which means I’m about to celebrate the completion of my twelve-month wild love affair with pleasure. Yes! it’s been twelve months already which also means it’s time for me to share my reflections on the season that was spring. This season kicked off with a breakup followed by an intense month of work, a lot of copy-writing and the creation of my first epic Sacred Dance Tour. It also included lots of sleepovers at…
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Sex after trauma w/ Rachael Maddox.

“The world of sex can be intimidating in general, but if you’ve experienced sexual trauma, it can be downright terrifying.” ~ Rachael Maddox, Trauma Resolution Educator & Coach. When it comes to sexual healing, there are many great access points to kickstart your journey. Sometimes it’ll be in a one-on-one setting with a professional. Other times it’ll be in a group setting as you sit in a women’s circle. And sometimes, your journey will start the moment you pick up…
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Conscious celibacy: the best way to deal with a breakup.

There’s a time to openly explore your sexuality with others and there’s a time to consciously close those doors and keep it for yourself. In my experience, the best time to close those doors is after a breakup. I call this conscious celibacy. Now, it’s important to note that conscious celibacy is not the same things as not getting laid. There are a lot of people out there who wish they were having sex but aren’t. Maybe you’re one of…
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Embodiment, shadow work & the White Light w/ Belinda Davidson {part two}

After I released last weeks interview with Belinda Davidson, we realised how much we left you all hanging and decided to record another interview. If you haven’t already noticed,  Belinda is the kind of woman I can speak to for hours. She’s also the kind of woman I want you {my LOVE SEX DESIRE community} to learn from, especially when it comes to spirituality, soulful living, healing and embodying the modern mystic. I’m honoured to have her back for…
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