When the practice of gratitude does more harm than good.

Gratitude has been praised by many spiritual teachers and thought-leaders as being a powerful way to get what you want in life. I, too, am a big advocate for being grateful and expressing one’s appreciation to others – especially if you want to create a thriving partnership. But many of us are applying the gratitude teachings in ways that are actually causing more harm than good. Tune into today’s episode to learn more. Click play to listen {7mins} Big Love…
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Discover your Erotic Blueprint with Jaiya.

Do you ever feel like you don’t know what truly turns you on, or how to communicate it to your partner? Do you ever feel like you and your partner speak two completely different languages when it comes to sex? Or do you ever feel like you have a lot of guilt and shame about your sexual desires and wish you could overcome them so you can truly enjoy pleasure? If so, you’re definitely going to love today’s episode. Today…
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How to rediscover your sexual self after motherhood.

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of attending Mama Camp and facilitating a special Sacred Dance Party for 150 mama bears. It was an epic experience! In fact, one mother said, “The Sacred Dance Party was out of this world amazing!” But I didn’t just go there to do my thing and leave. This was a special weekend for them and I wanted to make sure I brought my A-game, which is why I spent a lot of time connecting…
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Healing painful sex with Dr. Celeste Holbrook

If you’ve ever experienced painful sex {which, unfortunately, most women do!} then this episode is for you. Recently, a dear friend sent Dr. Celeste Holbrook my way as she thought she’d be an incredible guest for my Podcast Series. And she was right. Dr. Celeste is warm, grounded, intelligent and thoughtful sexologist, speaker, and author who has dedicated her life to helping women achieve soul-centered sex through perfectly planned mental and behavioral changes. Her private practice is based in Texas,…
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Why embodying your Erotic Woman matters.

How well do you know your Erotic Woman? Is she someone who takes center stage in your life or is she hiding in a closet? Is she only permitted to come out and play in the bedroom or with a lover? Or is the whole world her playground? Is she free to fully express herself or do you have her on a short lease? Do you celebrate her raw power? Or do you fear it? No matter what your current…
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