Are you afraid of your own sexuality?

If someone asked me this question last week I would have answered “no”, and it would have been my truth. However, now that I know what I know today, my answer is “yes”. Turns out, when it comes to one certain aspect of my sexuality, I am afraid, and as a result, I keep shutting her down, over and over again. I don’t let her out to play the way she wants to play. Instead, I express some watered down…
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Calling in your light and dancing with your darkness w/ Carly Stephan.

Relationships are our greatest teachers. They have a magical way of exposing our deepest wounds all for the purpose of hoping we remember our wholeness. This journey of separation to wholeness involves calling in the light AND dancing with the darkness. Both are EQUALLY important. Today, I have a special guest sharing her own personal journey of calling in her light and dancing with her darkness. For her, this included getting real about her codependency patterns, abandonment wounding, and people…
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A freebie to celebrate Mary Magdalene’s Feast day {today only!}

A couple of days ago, after posting the below image on Instagram, my beautiful friend informed that this coming Friday {July 22 – which is TODAY} is Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day. Had I known earlier, I would have definitely cleared my calendar and planned a special gathering with all my ladies but instead, I’m having a quiet day meditating, dancing and celebrating all things Mary Magdalene before I embark on an action-packed weekend. If you’d love to do some meditating…
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Awakening your feminine consciousness with Dévashi Shakti

I’m super thrilled to have Dévashi Shakti back for another {deep} conversation on the LOVE SEX DESIRE Podcast Series. It’s been eighteen months since she first appeared on the show where we delved into feminine embodiment, tantra, sacred sexuality and her yoga school, Tigress Yoga. {If you haven’t listened to it yet, I highly recommend you do}. For those of you who don’t know her yet, Devashi is an international leader in feminine psycho-sexual development and practical Sacred Feminine
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3 tips to transform your relationship.

It’s beautiful to see so many women awakening and committing themselves to doing the inner work. More and more women are expanding into their more, aligning with their soul desires and creating new lives for themselves and their families. However, in the process, many of them are also starting to experience epic breakdowns in their marriages and relationships – which is a painful {and lonely} place to be. Before you plan your exit strategy be sure to tune into today’s…
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