How to make love work with Terry Real.

“The New Rules of Marriage will introduce you to a radically new kind of relationship, one based on the idea that every woman has the power to transform her marriage, while men, given the right support, have it in them to rise to the occasion.” — Terry Real This one line was the only sign I needed to know that I had to buy The New Rules of Marriage written by Terry Real. This idea was the exact same…
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Do this when you need to do a check-in with where you are.

Everyone needs to hit the pause button from time to time and do a check-in. The kind of check-in that celebrates how far you’ve travelled, where you are right now and where you intend on going. Personally, I do my check-ins all the time. I have daily check-ins, weekly check-in’s, New Moon check-ins (although my new moon check-ins happen at Sunrise with a few other women and feel more like a ritual than a simple check-in), quarterly check-ins and end…
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Conversations with Sally Mustang and Mitch Gobel about their erotic adventures.

The windows were fogging up. I could hardly breathe. Couldn’t hear the world around me. Just his soft moans. We were crazy. It was broad daylight and he was fucking me in the back of the car.  — An excerpt from I think everyone should read an erotic story or write their own at some point in their life. In my early twenties, when I was navigating my confusion about marriage and monogamy, I turned to the world of…
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How to break the spell of sexual trauma with Rachael Maddox.

Today on the LOVE SEX DESIRE Podcast Series I’m exploring Sexual Trauma with the help of Rachael Maddox, a coach and trauma specialist. Rachael spends her days helping women who’ve experienced sexual trauma understand and heal from its stronghold so they can move through the world with confidence, joy and success. She also recently published her first book, SECRET BAD GIRL, where she reveals her own sexual trauma experiences and offers up some wise guidance on resolving that trauma. Rachael…
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My recommended book list for navigating sexual awakenings and thriving relationships.

It’s been two and half years since I received my very first email asking if I had any books on sexual awakenings/female sexuality. The timing was impeccable. LOVE SEX DESIRE hadn’t even been conceived yet but I was receiving lots of signs that it was time to bring this part of me to the table, and considering this email came from a woman who had a dream she needed to make this request to me, well…say no more. In case…
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