Truth telling, forgiveness and moving forward. A Q&A on infidelity.

Infidelity. Unfaithfulness. Adultery. Cheating. Many people do it but not many people talk about it. In today’s podcast episode I am answering the following question I recently received on this topic: “When one has been unfaithful and subsequently made the decision to stay in the relationship and not to share (and feels good about this decision), what really needs to be examined? Yourself, desires, the relationship, the other person…where to start!? If the infidelity has absolutely 100% enhanced the partnership…
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Embodying the Divine Feminine with Elise Carr.

I always love hearing stories from women about their relationship with the Divine Feminine. I want to know if they’ve always had a deep connection with Her. Or was it something they’ve had to work on over many many many years. Was there an aspect of the Divine Feminine that they kept rejecting, denying or closed off from? And if so, what journey did they embark on to embody Her? I want to know how having a deep relationship with…
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3 awesome alternatives to mainstream porn.

If you’re anything like me you probably don’t associate anything positive with the word “porn”, and rightfully so when you consider how detrimental this industry is for individuals, families and our society at large (and that’s putting it lightly). But after searching up the definition of pornography, my lens started to expand beyond the dark side of this world.   According to the Oxford dictionary pornography is “printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or
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How to navigate transitions and endings with Tahlee Rouillon.

Change. Transitions. Endings. Beginnings. Sometimes they’re expected. Other times they’re abrupt and surprising. Sometimes they’re swift and easy. Other times they’re challenging and painful. Over the years I’ve had my fair share of transitions and endings, especially when it comes to relationships. I’ve navigated marriage, motherhood, step-parenting, divorce, co-parenting and same-sex relationships…and that was just my twenties! As I enter my thirties, I’m noticing that transitions and changes have a very different feel. They’re less dramatic, turbulent, confusing and distressing.…
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How to transform boring sex to great sex with Laura Corn.

When her first marriage ended, she found herself in the local library learning everything there was to learn about orgasms and great sex. Fifteen years later, she’s written over nine books helping over four million couples bring the passion, anticipation, creativity and fun back into their sex lives. Her New York Times Bestseller, 101 Nights of Great Sex, received raving reviews from the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Heather Locklear, Barbara Walters and Lissa Rankin. Now it’s time for 101 Nights…
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