What {some} men crave w/ John Wineland.

Recently I shared a video on facebook called What Men Crave. It was a 10 min talk delivered at a live event to a group of powerful coaches. It was potent and landed right in my heart {as it did for many other women too}. What I personally loved about the video, is that it articulated many of my own discoveries when it comes to thriving partnerships and bringing out the best in a man. This video has now
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Resurrecting my soul work. {part two}

After eight years and over three thousand classes, I was done teaching Group Fitness. So done that I declared I was never going to teach again. It was time to venture into something new, something challenging, something outside my comfort zone. To make sure I committed wholeheartedly to immersing myself in something new, I burnt the bridge behind me so there was no {easy} way for me to go back. This looked like giving away all of my music {back…
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Resurrecting my sexuality. {part one}

Our sexuality is an integral part of who we are, yet, so many of us have {at some point in our lives} rejected it, disowned it, denied it, avoided it or repressed it. Some of us have done this in subtle ways. Other’s of us have done this is in more significant ways. We all have our reasons for why we did it, but over the long haul, it costs us…A LOT!!Ā Shutting down our sexuality is one of the…
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sacred dance

LSD_Resurrected_EventbriteOnce a year I like to throw a one-of-a-kind sacred dance party for all the women out there yearning to awaken their souls and unleash their bodies on the dance floor. Itā€™s sexy and wild. Sacred and fun. Transformative and empowering. Watch the video below now and Iā€™ll tell you ALL about this yearā€™s theme, RESURRECTED. Big Love susana-signature ā€œItā€™s the most liberated Iā€™ve felt in 10 years! Seriously, where else on earth can you make soul level discoveries while dancing
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Going beyond tantra with Emma Power.

Today I’m talking with Emma Power, the Founder of The Awaken School and Co-Founder of Tantra is Love, both based in Melbourne. This beauty is a deep well of wisdom and I could’ve easily spoken to her for a few more hours. She’s articulate, passionate and very down to earth. Over the years,Ā Emma has been taught and guided by some extraordinary teachers, yogis and swamis who have been generous enough to pass on the ancient teachings of Tantric…
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