This is for when you don’t believe you can have what you truly want.

As the police officer handed me the infringement notice, my inner critic unleashed on me. “You shouldn’t have stayed for a cup of tea!” “You shouldn’t have had sex again!” “You knew you should of left earlier!” “You’re so irresponsible!” “See! You should’ve just stayed home!” (Notice how you can always count on your inner critic to pull you back into line?) But it didn’t stop there. Underneath the story of being “irresponsible” was something else. Another story. One that…
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Are you afraid to be too sexy or too radiant?

Have you ever been afraid of being judged for being too sexy? Or too beautiful? Or too radiant? Do you dim your light to avoid those kind of judgements and therefore, cut yourself off from accessing your full power? What would happen if every woman fully claimed her sexual power and radiance? According to today’s guest, Vanessa Florence, it would cause a revolution! And I totally agree. Vanessa is the Creatress and Founder of Dancing Eros, conscious erotic…
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Conversations with Shaney Marie, Founder of Orgasmic Hearts.

If I still had my HOT WOMAN TO WATCH segment, (which may very well become part of this LSD Podcast series now that I mention it) today’s guest would be on that list! Currently living in Melbourne, Australia, today’s guest is the Founder of Orgasmic Hearts, a body of work dedicated to supporting women with the teachings of modern tantra sexuality. She is also a Dancing Eros facilitator holding erotic empowerment dance journeys for women and a practitioner of self-clearing…
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Rage made me do it.

How well do you know your rage? Do you express it? Or do you suppress it? Do you understand it? Or do you deny it? Do you welcome it? Or are you afraid of it? If you knew that your rage was the portal through to your freedom, would you relate to it differently? If you knew that your rage was the portal to reclaiming your power back, would you stop resisting it? In today’s episode I share what rage…
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Everything you need to know about Nude Yoga.

Would you strip bare for a yoga class? Yes? No? Maybe? Turns out there are many women (and men) all over the world willing to get naked for some Nude Yoga, and right now, these classes are selling out here in Australia. In today’s episode, Kundalini & Nude Yoga Teacher Rosie Rees, joins me to share everything you need to know about Nude Yoga. She shares what to expect in a class, the purpose of nude yoga, the benefits…
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