How to transform boring sex to great sex with Laura Corn.

When her first marriage ended, she found herself in the local library learning everything there was to learn about orgasms and great sex. Fifteen years later, she’s written over nine books helping over four million couples bring the passion, anticipation, creativity and fun back into their sex lives. Her New York Times Bestseller, 101 Nights of Great Sex, received raving reviews from the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Heather Locklear, Barbara Walters and Lissa Rankin. Now it’s time for 101 Nights…
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Unravelling sexual fantasies and desires with Justice Schanfarber.

“When we dismiss our desire as bad or unacceptable, we never get close enough to observe it, to feel it and thus to receive its message.” — Justice Schanfarber The realm of sexual fantasies and sexual desires is a huge breeding ground for shame, especially when those fantasies and desires bump up against our sense of identity. Helping me unravel and explore this realm today is special guest, Justice Schanfarber. He’s a mindfulness based counsellor and certified Hakomi Therapist
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Divine relationships & mastering your mean girl with Melissa Ambrosini.

How well do you know your “mean girl” (aka your inner critic)? What kind of relationship do you have with her? Do you conform to her authority and influence or are you free agent who has mastered her ways? I hope it’s the latter because when your Mean Girl is calling all the shots when it comes to your life and your relationships, you can guarantee you’ll end up living a life that doesn’t truly belong to you. This is…
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Untame yourself with Elizabeth Dialto.

Elizabeth Dialto is a dear friend of mine. She’s been on the LOVE SEX DESIRE Podcast Series twice before (here and here) with her partner talking about conscious relationships. Today it’s just me and her, and we’re celebrating the release of her very first book Untame Yourself: Reconnect to the lost Art, Power and Freedom of being a woman. Elizabeth is also the creator of Wild Soul Movement, a practice combining sensual movement, mantra and meditation and the…
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Food & sex cravings with Alexandra Jamieson.

Today’s special guest is the author of 4 health & wellness books. Her latest is Women, Food & Desire. She is a certified health and nutrition counsellor, and a professional trained healthy gourmet chef having studied at NYC’s Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts. She is also the Host of The Crave Cast and has been seen on Oprah, CNN and featured in the award-winning documentary Super Size Me. Her name is Alexandra Jamieson but you can call…
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