2014, celebrating all that was. And what’s to come in 2015.

Celebrate your accomplishments so thoroughly as to burn the bridge to whom you were before. This is extremely important, especially on a lifelong journey. You must stop from time to time to lay claim to the progress you have made and close off the option of retreating to a smaller version of yourself. Your accomplishments may be new skills or abilities, or new horizons that you could not see before. It could be new relationships or new possibilities in existing…
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Conversations with Margaret Nichols on spirituality, sexual healing, porn, body image and surrender.

From award winning actress to being a recognised leader and teacher of the Oneness Movement, Margaret Nichols is providing spiritual solutions for our modern life. I first discovered Margaret some 4-5 years ago when I stumbled across one of her blog posts, Holy sh*t I’m about to be enlightened (she’s an incredible writer too!). It was just the post I needed as my world was getting freaky after my 10 days of Vipassana. I was hungry for other women embarking…
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Desire before declutter. Always.

I walked into my daughters room the other week and there were clothes, books and toys scattered everywhere. It’s a common sight for any 8 year old girls bedroom but on this particular day, something was different. Her room felt different. What was usually so full of life and buzzing with creativity now felt stagnant, lifeless and loveless. Fact was, she hadn’t slept in her room for weeks. She hadn’t played in her room for weeks either. Instead she was…
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Conscious relationships: how to best prepare for one.

I was the kind of girl who was always in a relationship. In the past 25 years I feel like I’ve been in some kind of relationship with a lover for at least 21 of those years. Crazy! So when my last relationship came to an end, I knew I wanted some time to be with just me. I wanted a break from having to think about anyone else’s needs or desires or concerns and instead, I just wanted to…
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Surrender or defeat? How to tell the difference.

When it comes to conscious relationships surrender is one of the most important qualities. It’s also one of the hottest topics during my coaching sessions with women. We intellectually understand the value and importance of surrender, but when it actually comes to the act of surrendering things start to get a little confusing.  Suddenly surrendering feels icky, disempowering, and more like defeat. So how do we tell the difference if we are truly surrendering or if we’re just giving up,…
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