music playlists: the sexy, the sensual and the dirty.

“Mum, did you know that music and dance are the two most important things in the world? If we didn’t have them, people would die.” ~ Analiah, my daughter, aged 6. After my dance parties, I always get asked 2 things: 1) When is the next one? 2) Can I have your music? So today, I’m sharing 3 playlists so you can have your own dance party whenever you want.  These 3 themed playlists have their own distinct flavour. You’ll…
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My experience and advice about the latest dating app, Tinder.

I was washing my hands in the bathroom when two women came in.  One of them just told her friend that she’d recently met someone.  The friend replied in excitement and was curious to know how and when. Before closing the door to the toilet cubicle her friend sheepishly replied, “Tinder”. It was a familiar response. One I had heard quite a bit from some of my clients and from my friends. Turns out lots of people are using Tinder…
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Deep soulful sex: how to take sex to a deeper level.

September is finally upon us and what a week it’s been?! Holy moly! If you’ve been following me on instagram you may of sensed a bit of a theme emerging this month. Yep! It’s all about LOVE. Hearts are cracking open. Hearts are being set on fire. Hearts are merging. LOVE is having its way with many of us, including me, which means you can expect some pretty awesome episodes coming your way this month. As for this week, I’m…
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What is kinesiology and why I highly recommend it.

Kinesiology has played a huge role in my life this year and for today’s episode, I’m so excited to be sharing with you all my very own kinesiologist and intuitive coach, Melissa Sandon. She’s a goddess. A soulful, wise and embodied goddess who I could sit and talk with for hours. She has such a beautiful presence and such a soothing voice, you are going to melt. Seriously. Sit back and enjoy this episode as we explore: what is…
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Women falling in love with women: stories of how + why it happens

I recently received this beautiful email: “Hi Susana,I stumbled across your website a couple of weeks ago when someone told me about your dance parties. At the time I was struggling with the fear that it was time to tell my family and friends that I am gay. I am 33 years old and have kept it a secret for so long, from myself and everyone that nobody would even guess that was the case. Anyway, I read your…
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