Are all vaginas the same? The answer will surprise you

Our vaginas are just as unique as our faces. And honestly, I didn’t truly understand just how different we all were down there until I started having sex with women. Not just that, but until more recently, I didn’t even realise that women had some pretty big hangups about their lady parts…so much so that “vagina rejuvenation” (think facelift for your vagina) is on the rise.  And that just makes me sad. A pretty vagina (whatever that means by the
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Conversations with Vanessa Muradian about sex toys, sensual yoga and erotic priorities .

When asked by her grandmother what she wanted to be when she grew up, Vanessa Muradian Founder of a lifestyle and sensuality company Mia Muse, replied with, “…A Sex Machine”. From buying her first vibrator in the US, to studying Sexology in Australia to delving deeper into sensual yoga Vanessa is committed to learning everything there is to know about the body and sex, and helping other women on their own sexual explorations. In this weeks episode you will…
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Conversations with Isiah McKimmie from sex surrogacy to embracing the feminine.

Working in the world of LOVE SEX DESIRE is quite fascinating to say the least. I’m discovering some incredible people whose stories are blowing my world wide open. One of these people is Isiah McKimmie. She’s a Love, Sex & Intimacy Consultant currently based in Melbourne, Australia, who’s been helping people transform their sex lives for the past 6 years.  She has studied in San Fransico at the Institute for the Advanced Studies of Human Sexuality and is currently…
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The power and magic of your sound.

Thanks to a recent workshop I attended lately, I was reminded of the power and magic of sound when it comes to sex.  And by sound, I’m referring to your sounds of ecstasy. Apparently, silencing a woman during sex is one of the worst things you can do to a woman as it stifles her expression and her voice. So no more silence ladies and no more holding back your sounds of ecstasy (or any sound for that matter)! In…
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