13 practices that are currently reconnecting me deeper with my body

All nutrition, exercise and movement practices have been refrained from being included in this list because I want to share with you some of the other practices in my life that are currently reconnecting me deeper to my body. Here goes! 1. I question everything I think I “should” do. Hello inner critic! Anytime I catch myself thinking I should do something, I know my inner critic has been activated. Maybe my body is craving this thing my inner critic…
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Conversations with Ev’Yan Whitney: a married woman’s journey to sexual liberation.

She’s the creator of Sex, Love and Liberation, an online sensual safe haven where she reveals the raw truths about her journey from sexless marriage to sexual liberation. This journey has involved opening her marriage, owning her bisexulaity and exploring what it truly means to be a sexually grown woman in her full power.  But sex has not come easily to her.  She’s had to let go of everything she was ever taught from her parents, her church and…
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Courageous in life, love and work. It’s all connected.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage” ~ Anais Nin Ever now and then I catch myself getting swept up in a wave of profound gratitude. During these moments I’ll take the time to name all the things I’m currently feeling so grateful for and instead of this just being an “intellectual” thing I feel every single one of them fully land in my body and in my being. When these moments happen, I’m reminded that I’m exactly…
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