Conversations with Devashi Shakti about Feminine Embodiment, Tantra, Sacred Sexuality, Tigress Yoga and so much more.

“Most yoga taught today comes from masculine lineages that don’t address the intricacies of developing feminine essence for women.  Tigress Yoga is specifically designed to awaken your female body. ” ~ Today’s guest on the LOVE SEX DESIRE Podcast Series is Devashi Shakti, Founder of Tigress Yoga: A Sacred Feminine Embodiment Yoga School. I’ve had the recent pleasure of experiencing Tigress Yoga with Devashi and it has got to be, hands down, one of the most nourishing feminine …
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how to get your sexual mojo back.

I recently lost my sexual mojo. Gone! All dried up! Vanished! The moment I realised, I knew I had some exploring to do. I wasn’t prepared to accept that this was just a phase or something that happens when you’ve been in a relationship for a little while. Nope – that’s not what I believe. I’m a sexual being, an orgasmic being. This orgasmic state IS my natural state. When I feel orgasmic and turned on, I know I’m plugged…
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Support and sisterhood: 2 things you need in 2015.

Feeling dirty and ashamed, and damaged she hid her story. Not knowing that the woman next to her also hid hers. And the next woman, and the next. Finally someone whispered the truth. And their eyes met, and their tears came, their heads nodded softly, and their arms reached out. Holding each other gently, telling their stories, the healing began. Terri St. Cloud, Her White Tree A big theme I’m exploring this year is support and sisterhood. After attending Gabby
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The Intimate Series

If the idea of coming together every Sunday… for a period of 5 fun weeks… with a small group of amazing women… for the purpose of reconnecting deeper with your body, heart and soul sounds exactly what you’ve been waiting for… then THE INTIMATE SERIES is for you. what is THE INTIMATE SERIES exactly? THE INTIMATE SERIES includes 3 series: 1) THE BODY / INSTINCTUAL INTELLIGENCE (Starts Feb) 2) THE HEART / EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (Starts April) 3) THE MIND /…
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2014, celebrating all that was. And what’s to come in 2015.

Celebrate your accomplishments so thoroughly as to burn the bridge to whom you were before. This is extremely important, especially on a lifelong journey. You must stop from time to time to lay claim to the progress you have made and close off the option of retreating to a smaller version of yourself. Your accomplishments may be new skills or abilities, or new horizons that you could not see before. It could be new relationships or new possibilities in existing…
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